Principles of Naval Architecture available

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by DCockey, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Participant

    The classic Principles of Naval Architecture, the longtime standard reference for naval architecture of vessels, is available again after being out of print for ten years. This is a soft cover reprint of the three volume (presumably) 1988 edition.
    Principles of Naval Architecture | SNAME

    The six monographs of the Principles of Naval Architecture Series continue to be available. This series was originally planned as a set of individual monographs which would replace the 1988 edition of Principles of Naval Architecture. The series was curtailed after the first six monographs and several announced titles were never released. The six available monographs are being advertised as replacements for chapters of the 1988 Principles of Naval Architecture but they generally have less data.
    Ad Hoc and bajansailor like this.
  2. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    The 3-volume edition is useful.
    The 6 monographs - hmm, not really any use... Just standing on shelf as decoration ;)
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  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I bought a copy of PNA around 1982 - it was just a single volume then. It was the fifth reprint (in 1980) of the 1967 original.
    I also bought a copy of Ship Design and Construction, which was published in 1980.
    I remember that the two of them cost me approx US$ 100 then (at student prices), including postage from the USA to the UK.

    Edit - I just saw the prices of the current books here - SNAME Text & Reference Books | SNAME
    They do seem to be relatively cheaper / better value than the books I bought almost 40 years ago. My $100 then would be at least $500 - 600 in today's money.
    Yet the three volumes of PNA costs $180 today (at the student rate), and the two volumes of Ship Design & Construction costs $160.
  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Mine is the 7th Edn, 1986. Sat on my bookshelf behind me, as is the 3 volume Hydrodynamics in Ship Design 2nd End. 1982.

    I think the 3 Volume version of PNA, hmmm... maybe an over kill?... my single volume PNA, says all I need, as do my old notes, which I still have.
    If one needs any more, then going to a subject particular reference book would be the solution.

    My Basic Ship theory is 2 volumes, but small and easy to thumb through as I have the paper back versions.
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  5. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Technically your copy would be the 8th Printing of the Revised edition. PNA was originally published in 1939, revised in 1967, and revised again in 1988. The single volume "Revised" edition has about 839 pages and the "Second Revised" three volumes have about 318+437+333=1088 pages so about 30 percent more pages. The chapters on tonnage admeasurement, load line assignment and launching were moved to Ship Design and Construction (first published in 1980) and not included in the Second Revised edition.

    I have the first edition of Hydrodynamics In Ship Design, pubhished in 1956/7 and it has three volumes with about 648+979+507=2136 pages which is almost twice the three volume Second Revised PNA. I have not spent a lot of time in Hydrodynamics In Ship Design but have the feeling it could have been considerably more consise.
  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I was underwhelmed by the 3 volumes when they arrived.
    I haven't used them much since i bought them over 30years ago now...

    Interesting comment about the first PNA just states copyright 1967... that's all.
  7. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    On the
    In the middle of the title page there should be a small "(Revised)" under "Principles of Naval Architecture". That is the only indication that I see of a previous edition other than the foreward. I think the Revised edition was a major rewrite of the original.
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Aahh... never noticed that before:


  9. Earl Boebert
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    Earl Boebert Senior Member

    I have a copy of the 11th printing of the 1939 edition dated 1958.


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