Preparation of steel plate cutting templates and curves of plates from line drawing by hand book

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumu sarac, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I am trying to understand that for 32 years and I could not figure out.

    I have Knocker - Moitessier - Joshua dwg lines drawing .

    Now it looks like a fiberglass boat , there is no chines etc.

    How could I produce this boat with steel. I can think only curving the cut plate longiditual.

    I dont have any idea how much steel plate curves on line plans and I dont have any idea how these plates can be prepared for cutting templates.

    Can anyone help me ?

    I will never have money to build even rudder of that boat but to try to figure out the method of preparation of cutting templates still creates headache after 32 years.

    I am not an engineer and I have no idea to use software.

    Is there a book starting from line drawing and develop all the templates with hand. This might be a 40 years old book and I am 47 years old. good , gooood

  2. M&M Ovenden
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    M&M Ovenden Senior Member

    If the shape is "developed" (from cylinders), plate can be laid quite easily. For other sections steel can be formed. When we were plating we made templates off the boat (ribs / longitudinal) for each plate. Plating

  3. M.Zouhairy
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    M.Zouhairy New Member

    If I were to do it I would simply 3D model it in AutoCAD as surfaces then unwrap it in Pepakura software then CNC cut it or print it 1:1 scale on many A0 sheets and then cut it manually by torch.
    I did it many times before but in unwrapping complex cuts in conical hollow sections connections in some freaky steel structures.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A round hull will not have developable surfaces (conical). However, you need to generate what amounts to facets for each plate. The flat plate is then formed to the shape of that section. You can use different methods, like line heating, heating and hammering and cold forming, etc.

  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    That has to be qualified. A "round hull" can have many developable zones and a non-conical surface can be developable, for example a cylindrical surface (circular, elliptical or parabolic). The so-called non-developable surfaces can also be developed through various procedures, sufficiently approximate, as has been done in naval construction for many years.
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