Preparation of Intact and damaged stability Booklet

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Dibin_marino, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Dibin_marino
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    Dibin_marino Junior Member

    Dear All,

    I have question to ask, is it possible to prepare Intact and Damaged stability booklet with out Lines Plan and Offset tables?
  2. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    No. You need the Lines Plan and offset tables to do the necessary calculations.

  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Slightly better explained : you need to study various loading conditions. Each will have a specific trim. Need therefore calculate hydrostatic values ​​and KN curves for these trims. So to answer your question: if these values ​​and curves you have them from a previous study (which is very unlikely), you do not need Lines Plan and Offset tables. Otherwise, you do need them.
  4. Dibin_marino
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    Dibin_marino Junior Member

    Dear Sir,

    I did Re-Inclining Experiments for 2 vessels, a passenger catamaran which was built in the year 2007 & 1990 respectively. we have T&S booklets as reference, since the Class has insisted us to submit the Lines plan and offset table for the approval, do we need to prepare the same for the preparation of Intact and Damaged stability booklet.??
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    For now all you have to do is give the CS what they have asked.
    If the lightship weight is very similar to the previous (I seem to recall that <2% difference), and the forms have not changed, you do not even have to do the stability booklet.
  6. kruklindete
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    kruklindete New Member

    you do need to have lines plan because of calculations. for load cases just follow procedure that class prescripts.
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    When you study a load condition you have to calculate the equilibrium waterline, ship´s trim. Need to interpolate in the hydrostatic values of the boat with that trim. I can not think how to calculate these values ​​without a body lines plan. You also need the cross curves of stability of the ship with that trim. I also do not know how to get those curves without the body lines plan.
    Classification Society gives no procedure for load conditions. There is no other method than calculate the curves of righting arms and integral.
  8. kruklindete
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    kruklindete New Member

    of course they do.
    for example DNV for fishing vessels:
  9. Dibin_marino
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    Dibin_marino Junior Member

    Dear All,

    Thank you for your kind advises and information shared regarding this subject matter

  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think one of the two, you or me, is wrong. One thing is the procedure to be followed for a study and another thing, very different, loading conditions that CS wants you to study.
    In this second aspect, I agree with you. As for the CS indicate the procedure for studies I reaffirm what I said in my previous post, "Classification Society gives no procedure for load conditions"
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