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Powercat 32-34 molds or hulls wanted

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Bruce Graham, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. Bruce Graham
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Bruce Graham New Member

    Looking for molds and/or hulls - Any ideas?
  2. Twin Vee Preston
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Location: fort pierce fl

    Twin Vee Preston New Member

    35 Center Console Powercat Complete set of tooling for 35 Hydrofoil assisted catamaran.

    Formerly MAMBA MARINE.

    HULL MOLD (Perfect condition) On Hydraulic Rotor

    Interior liner (has part on it)

    Deck ring (Perfect condition)

    Hard top mold (Good Condition)

    No console or Helm seat molds

    This boat was designed as a highly efficient cat hull by Hysucraft in South Africa.
    Nearly $2,000,000 went into the development of bringing this boat to market.
    There are currently 11 of these in existence 2 produced by Mamba and the balance produced by Twin Vee Powercats.
    Google Image Result for https://twinveeboats.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/img_3915.jpg https://goo.gl/images/7T2H1k


    Call if interested

    The molds have not been used in over 2 years.
    Hysucraft - Evolution Evolved. - Official Website - Designers & Developers of Hydrofoil Assisted Craft.Mamba http://www.hysucraft.com/ProjectDetail/Mamba.aspx

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
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