Power-Cat. concept design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Lee01, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Lee01
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    Lee01 Junior Member

    I am still at work with the definition of SOR thanks! Alik I sent you a pm
  2. Lee01
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    Lee01 Junior Member

    for not to stop the polemic, this was the concept of vitruvius from famous designer Briand, no SOR, sold!! where is Cog? It didn't seems he did a speed prediction or a CFD validation.
    have you seen the Zaha Hadid (rip) concept they are building? I think that the idea count as well as the engineering. If you are interested in help me engineering and move forward the design you are welcome. Instead choose a sailing cat, dismast it and you have just another traditional and luxury power catamaran CE ready.

  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hi Camillo, I do not know if you ask me but, of course, I'm willing to help even though I can not call myself a "yacht designer". I have only designed passenger ships, monohulls and catamarans. Therefore it is possible that my help can not be very important.
    "The idea count as well as the engineering", you're right. In a modern design team there must be people who make beautiful renderings and people who do good calculations. Both are necessary. I think you, as a renderer, are very good. You have to make the other party very good too. I think Alik is one of the best options offered by this forum.
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  4. Lee01
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    Lee01 Junior Member

    I have seen online SD monohulls with same speed and it seem true. I know that is not a new invention fast catamarans yachts, but they are not very common, this one follow my taste.
    Of course as an illustrator for interior and exterior I would like to collaborate with Alik to work on any project but maybe he don't need help :) Tansl now the project is in stand-by but if you can throw me some info in pm thank you a lot!!
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    A big fast cat seems perfectly suited to foils.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @Lee01, whatever you need, if it is within my knowledge and experience. My Gallery can give you an idea of what I can do. Nothing else.
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  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Many people can draw in 3D, but only few of them can DESIGN boats. Design is not just about making pictures, but is compound solving of aesthetic, engineering and economical task.
  8. Alik
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    Regarding SOR: I agree that in yacht design sometimes the idea and imagination values more than a formal SOR. But at least, designer of a yacht should think about user and activities on boat.
    On these renders, I don't see any flybridge or comfortable outdoor spaces, only enclosed pilothose?? Is the boat designed for Iceland? :) I can't imagine the user of this boat, sorry.
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  9. Lee01
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    Lee01 Junior Member

    I have to agree, where is the Jacuzzi! I'll add one bathing, and al fresco dinner to the SOR and maybe a balcony, thanks. Tansl I sent you a PM
  10. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    The matter of speed has been raised in prior postings but related to speed is movement & momentum. ie: 0. Kinetic Energy.
    A 24m vessel at 49 knots could be fairly 'lively' so the boat and its contents (including people) would have to allow for this to avoid damage and injury.
    For a start, you could check out the High Speed Code.

    17-07-06 ps: oops, sorry TANSL, I see you raised this HSC matter a while ago
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
  11. Lee01
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    Lee01 Junior Member

    Thanks for the good reading. From later modifications to the project the top speed predicted was 44 knots, I am not sure if this falls into the definition of HSC. I shouldn't have comunicated the specifications in a video as I cannot edit them later. I did some effort to design ergonomics interior, have a look at the helm cabin. I was also looking at visited some of the best selling power yachts of 80', making 50 knots with 100 hp/Ton and the minimalist interiors they have with sharp edges furnitures everywhere is evident. If you have a bike that makes 150 miles per hour (or 240 km/h) you are not supposed to drive it to the limit always and when there are not the conditions, one should do the same with boats.
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It does not matter how long the boat will sail at its maximum speed. If the design speed meets the above formula, the boat must comply with the HS Code.
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  13. Lee01
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    Lee01 Junior Member

    I must be wrong with the formula but reading it as 3,7*(Volume^0,1667) gives a result of 13,5 knots, it looks like a semi-planning speed and considering a lighter displacement gives a lower speed, but the HSLC requirements seems useful
  14. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Formula by TANSL is correct. Yes, for this design 14kts limit will already be formally 'high speed', to HSC Code definition.
    However, HSC Code is only applicable to passenger and cargo craft, making international voyages. In no way it is applicable to yachts/recreational craft below 24m.

  15. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think you're right, Alik. I have read to which boats the formula can be applied but I have forgotten which boats do not apply.
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