Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Richard Woods, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    This is being held Sept 6-8th and I'm posting here because, apart from showing my Skoota 28 powercat I am also giving a couple of talks

    The first is "The ideal PNW cruiser" on Saturday lunchtime and the second "Multihull sailors have more fun" Sunday morning

    so I hope you can get there

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

  2. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    I usually try to make it every year. I will try and make your talk and come up to say hello if I do make it.
  3. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    The ideal PNW cruiser is a Nicol trimaran of course :) We got pretty close to the halfway to Alaska point cruising in Johnstone Straights and used a little more than 20 gallons of gas from South Puget Sound and back....Id like to make it but it is the first week after school starts and everything is hectic.

    There has to be a market for your powercat, everyone we saw this year was motoring. Interestingly even the expensive powerboats were running at displacement speeds so efficient powering is on everyones minds.
  4. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    Richard, you are not on the wooden boat festival schedule. where are you giving your talk on saturday noon?

    edit: I found it! they have your talk at 1:30 pm in the discovery classroom. I should be there and would like to meet you.
  5. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Actually the talk starts at 1.15pm

    Richard Woods
  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Sounds interesting. Alas, I injured my neck and can't drive the two hours it takes to get there from Tacoma. This is the first time I have missed the show since 2007. It's giving me withdrawal pains just thinking about it.

    Good luck with your presentation. Hope to see you next year.
  7. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member


    I enjoyed meeting you, your public speaking skills are just fine. I was not able to make your sunday presentation. Since you had your talk written ahead of time, I was wondering if you could post the text to your talk here, "multi-hull sailors have more fun".

    Those youtube clips of mono hulls vs. catamaran hulls from the "Ideal PNW cruiser" talk was also interesting to see, a link to those be good for people to see.
  8. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Good to meet you. The second talk was in a bigger room, but had about the same size audience. So not as hot and no one had to stand in the corridor to hear me

    I haven't yet had time to upload the MSHMF talk, but it was similar to this one


    which was biased towards trailerable multihulls, whereas the WBF one was more biased towards bigger boats, and of course to wood

    I also have a MSHMF video on my Woods Designs youtube channel

    We are on our Skoota 28 in Port Ludlow now and will be there until the end of the month

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs


  9. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    The inlet there ends at the road, if you don't mind a little clamber up the shopping area is close down the road to the right. Much shorter than walking up the hill from the marina. Tough draw giving a multihull talk when they were broadcasting the Cup races, glad some people made it.
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