Pontoon Houseboat

Discussion in 'Materials' started by ftjhop, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. ftjhop
    Joined: Jul 2014
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    Location: Key West

    ftjhop New Member

    Looking to build a stationary houseboat from ground up. Planning on using plastic pontoons with aluminum framing to build the foundation of the floor. The boat will be placed in Key West. Looking for suggestions for the decking material-marine plywood, composite material. Concern being the salt water obviously. New to this part of the world. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Aluminum framing, depending on the alloy may corrode quickly. A barge type hull will be more stable and have more load carrying capability. The rest is usually built like a regular frame house.
  3. ftjhop
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    ftjhop New Member

    I agree with the corrosion aspect, I work in the coatings trade and that is one of my major concerns. The pontoons I'm looking at are sectional, MDPE construction, closed cell polyurethane foam filled. The framing to attach them all is aluminum. I can change the framing members if need be. The concern is the material needed to start building the sub floor to the house. Any suggestions on a material I can install and any other barrier protection I can use?

  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I would use exterior treated plywood. Galvanized steel may be a better option for the framing, as long as it is hot dipped. If it comes standard in aluminum, do you know what alloy it is made of? Salt water preserves wood, but is hard on fasteners and any other metal part. Unfortunately what you gain on one end you lose on the other.
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