Pontoon Boat stability

Discussion in 'Stability' started by rturbett, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. rturbett
    Joined: Aug 2005
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    rturbett Senior Member

    Wow- after a long break from this forum- and all the help it gave me when I was rebuilding a catamaran...... I have this dilemma. Our club had a custom pontoon boat made for race committee.
    I don't believe any stability tests were done on it. If I can get the schematics, Is there someone that could look at this and determine what the weather limitations on it should be?

    Any contact connection would be appreciated.

    I just think that with the right wind and wave combination, this thing is going on its side, or perhaps even backwards. It sits low in back, and basically a 7 to 8ft horse trailer was put on top, including lots of heavy glass

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  2. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    The USCG does not have standards that apply specifically to recreational pontoon boats, unless the boats are used to carry passengers for hire. Then they use a stability test to determine the number of passengers the boat can safely carry. However, my internet connection is acting up so I will have to do a search tomorrow.
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    I drive a commercial pontoon boat for a living and so long as you keep the static load below 1/3 on each pontoon you're fine.
    In theory, you could run them at 50% but your safety margin would disappear and it would, one day, roll over.

    My boat has a plexi-glass cabin 23 of the 27' deck space fore and aft.
    In winds above 40 knots, it slides sideways with little roll!
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    There is a stability criterion called "weather criteria" that studies the combined effect of wind and waves on a boat. In addition, in passenger ships, must be studied the effect of the whole passage located on the side of the ship , limiting the maximum heel that the boat should reach. Although they are not specific criteria for the type of your boat, they could be applied to get an idea of how your pontoon responds in these situations. It would only be necessary to have a lines plan or general layout with some cross section.

  5. rturbett
    Joined: Aug 2005
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    rturbett Senior Member

    Thanks- this will get me going

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