Polyester vs PVC Foam for cored hull

Discussion in 'Materials' started by bryson, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. bryson
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    bryson Junior Member

    I'm building a small skiff (30hp outboard, planing hull) by laying foam strips over station molds -- a similar process to cedar strip planking, but with foam and a heavier glass layup. I know the PVC foams (like Divinycell) are popular for foam cores, but have also recently heard about some PE foams advertised for the same purpose. The mechanical properties of the PVC look better, but I know that never tells the whole story. I will be using epoxy resin, if that makes any difference at all.

    Does anyone have any experience with PE foam, or know of any reason why one type of foam may be preferred over another?


  2. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    The first thing to do is line by line compare two datasheets for the thickness.

    Then you want the epoxy you are using to closely reflect properties in the foams. Elongation and the thermal expansion are the ones I woulf focus on; while not discounting the others.

    I look forward to other, more informed teplies.
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