Polyester resin over polyurethane enamel

Discussion in 'Materials' started by reelpleasure, May 15, 2014.

  1. reelpleasure
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    reelpleasure Junior Member

    Question for the paint and resin experts???

    I am rehabbing my 25 Terry Jason lobster boat.

    The helm dash is reconfigured and I have a combination of "new raw plywood and the original plywood which is covered in poly ester resin, mat with a finish coat of Petit Easypoxy polyurthene enamel topside paint.

    I have the paint sanded pretty good with 60 grit paper, scuffed up real good.

    I want to re-cover the whole dash with a new layer of mat and then maybe gel coat.

    My question is will polyester or vinyl ester resin "stick/cure" OK to the sanded scuffed polyurethane enamel paint??

    Appreciated, Bill D
  2. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Was the PU paint 1 or 2-pack ?
  3. reelpleasure
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    reelpleasure Junior Member

  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Odds are it will be attacked by the resin. If it is one-pack, paint stripper will remove it fairly easily, which is probably the best plan if it isn't too big an area. You could always do a small trial area and see if you can get away with it, but it wouldn't be in the textbook list of methods.

  5. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    You cannot use PE or VE resin over paint.
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