Poly or ve resin on composite boards?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by PickleRick, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. PickleRick
    Joined: Dec 2017
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    PickleRick Junior Member

    Im the midst of repairing stingers, motor mounts and other rotten wood in a 23 ft cabin boat. Ive been using arjay pourable composite and love it.

    There is no cold pour with it. Need to tie in some bulk head supports for the fuel tank. Despite decades of pily3 boat building its hard to find off the shelf poly to bind to wood half as well as epoxy.

    In my attempt to do a rot free resto i need to bond a board to arjay. I have family in the fence deck buisness and have it readily available.

    Has anyone had any luck bonding epoxy to composite boards? Arjay bonds to poly and vinylester but not epoxy.

    I don't think these boards are epoxy but for the price they should be.
  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    If you are talking about the deck boards it depends, there are many different plastics that may go into them.

    Any of the resins bond very well to PVC boards, like the white trim boards you’ll find in most stores. Bonding to deck boards with recycled junk in them is more difficult.
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Test it.

    The rule is 36 grit surface prep or wire brush rarely fails, but for testing, I'd see what no sanding results in.
  4. PickleRick
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    PickleRick Junior Member

    i will run a test batch. Driving @ the 15th to get 10 more gallons.

    My stingers and transom are solid arjay. The swim platform will be a combo of board and pourable due to design. Im not buying 20 gallons of pourable not removing the top shell of boat to do it in wood. I want to use the composite for structure and pourable to seal it all together. If a test batch doesn't work well i guess furr or white pine is my go to. Once encapsulated in arjay then fiberglass it should last another 30 years which would be another persons issue at that time.
  5. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    The composite boards are not structural, they just provide a shape, so don’t rely on them as a structural component of the design.

  6. PickleRick
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    PickleRick Junior Member

    Ok so may do a test batch when i pour my last stinger on furr or white pine. I dont need a lot of structure on the swim platfrom but i can't have it flimsy either.

    The platform is about 2ft wide and 8ft across. Its soft due to water leaking around the swim ladder thru bolts. Its soft half way across. Ill remove the skin all the way across to see if i find any dry wood, if not it's coming out with scrape blades, pry bars and chisel. I just anticipate having issues filling crevices at im sure the wood tucks back under my upper transom.

    I really need to post a pic
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