Please keep threads friendly and polite to all other members; no politics or religion

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Boat Design Net Moderator, Feb 6, 2012.

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  1. Boat Design Net Moderator
    Joined: Feb 2010
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    The purpose of Boat Design Net is to provide a site where everyone interested in boats can enjoy coming to share the common interest in boat design, boatbuilding, boats and boating in general.

    This sub-forum is a place for more general topics on "All Things Boats and Boating." Creative building, engineering, science and technology threads; threads on trips, ports, races, and destinations; threads on ships and shipwrecks; threads on boating regulations, docking and marinas, trailering and transportation; threads on equipment and gear, living, camping, and cooking onboard; threads on the boating industry; and topics loosely related to boats or boating which everyone enjoys are great for this forum as well.

    But this site should be a place where everyone can enjoy the common interest in boats no matter what their diverse backgrounds or nationality.

    With that said, please do not start threads on politics or religion here. There are a large number of other forums already dedicated to both religion and politics which would be a better location for political and religious threads.

    Here is a list of other forums where political topics would be welcome: forum

    Here is a list of other forums where religious topics would be welcome: forum

    Thanks for your understanding, and for helping to keep Boat Design Net a site where everyone can enjoy visiting to share the common interest in Boat Design, Boatbuilding, Boats and Boating no matter what their diverse backgrounds.
  2. Boat Design Net Moderator
    Joined: Feb 2010
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Please respect others' copyrights; do not copy and paste full articles w/o permission

    If the works of another are required to complete a thought of your own, please remember that you must have permission to post copyrighted works and that you should always give credit where credit is due.

    If you reference a book, please note the title and author (and page number if known.) If you reference an article from another website or online newspaper or other online publication, please include the name of the author, the address of the web site and any other information that is appropriate.

    Please remember that, as when writing a school paper, "fair use" does not allow you to copy and paste a complete article from another source. If you wish to include a full article from another source, you must have specific permission from the author and copyright holder.

    Otherwise, instead, please provide a link to the other site and a relevant summary, but please do not copy and paste from other sites without getting specific permission from the author(s)/copyright holder(s) first.

    Thanks very much.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Boat Design Net Moderator
    Joined: Feb 2010
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    And please keep posts family-safe and work-safe

    In order to keep the Boat Design and Boatbuilding forums a place members and visitors can safely view from home with family around and from work and school it is asked to please keep posts family friendly.

    Images should not be included, linked to, or attached which contain imagery which could be considered sexually explicit or which contain nudity or close-ups of personals, sheer/see-through clothing, or lewd or provocative poses. In order to reduce the worry of the forums being blocked by filters or causing concern about family or a boss or coworkers seeing inappropriate content, it’s also asked to please refrain from posting sexual or erotic stories or jokes which would not be considered family-safe or anything which promotes alcohol or recreational drugs. Please do not post or include images or content which could be considered gruesome or disgusting (e.g. please do not post any images of blood, guts, animal waste, or gore) or which depicts acts of violence. Any post promoting violence or racism is not appropriate, nor is anything which promotes hatred or discrimination against a person or group based on their ethnicity, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, age, or religion. Please avoid excessive amounts of profanity or swearing. Please do not post anything which advertises or promotes the sale of weapons, recreational drugs, tobacco products, or alcohol.

    If you wouldn’t want your child to read or see the content or if you would be embarrassed to view the page in front of colleagues or coworkers, then it’s probably not family-safe and please don’t post it on the forums here. Content which doesn't meet this standard will be deleted.

    Thank you very much for your understanding and for helping to keep the forums family- and work-safe so that as many who are interested in learning and sharing the enjoyment of boat design and boatbuilding can be assured of being able to view and take part in the forums now and in the future.
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