Please help. Identify this boat.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by kalibore, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. kalibore
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    kalibore New Member

    Hi there,

    Just wondered of anyone could please help me to identify this boat.

    Thanks everyone, would be most helpful.

    Attached Files:

  2. rasorinc
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Your boat looks new enough to have a required number from a manufacturer if it is not homemade. This is a USA requirement. Look around the transom all over as they hide the number. if not found there look all around the dash look every where. Does your friend's ownership papers or registration have any data you can provide us?
  3. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    Hi there, thanks for the input,
  4. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    He does have all the papers, etc.

    Like I say he's away for a while and only info was as mentioned. I gotta be really patient or hopefully someone can identify it for me so I can do my homework :p
  5. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    Hull Id numbers are also required in the UK and all of the EU. So your boat should have one, on the transom in the upper right corner or there abouts. (upper right facing the transom from behind the boat. ) It will be in the format GB - ABCi12345A505 see Hull ID numbers at They are the same format in the EU as in the US. The first three letters (ABC) identify the manufacturer. It is my understanding that in the UK the British Marine Federation assigns manufacturer codes. Ao they should be able to tell you who made the boat if it has a hull idd nmber.
  6. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Looks a bit like a pelin at the bow. Is it in the uk . Looks like australia. Uk does not have blue sky does it. Kiama is a beach town near sydney.
  7. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    Hi guys thanks for the replies.

    Yeah sorry, the boat is in Aus.

    Apparently it is an ex Cray boat, professionally
    Converted to a flybridge. I had a bit more info
    From him. He is not with the boat currently to
    Check numbers for exact info currently or
    Actually for about 8 weeks.

    What kind of year do you think she looks to be?
    Early 90's?

    Basically I'm trying to get some idea of its value
    So we can work out a price. She is great on
    Fuel, only using 10litres an hour at 10knots,
    As its displacement hull. 450hp engine. A real
    Solid and practical boat.

    She is on the west coast of Aus, Perth side.
  8. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I'm more inclined to believe your Titanic conspiracy theory, than that boat getting that kind of fuel economy. It isn't a displacement hull, either.
  9. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    What I said still applies. Australia requires Hull numbers too.
  10. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    She's 42ft
  11. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    He said quite clearly she cruises at 10 knots and uses 10litres per hour, as its displacement as apposed to planing.

    1000ltr capacity fuel and 500litre water.

    Mr Effeciency, 1:That is not 'my' theory of anything.
    2:eek:ff topic, thanks.
  12. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    Another pic image.png
  13. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The pictures are of a boat that can probably operate into the high teens, knots, thus is not a displacement hull. Being an ex-WA cray boat, the ability to run at those speeds would be sound economics. At mores sedate speeds it would not be overly efficient, having a submerged transom. There would be little call for a cray boat to be dawdling around at displacement speeds.
  14. kalibore
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    kalibore New Member

    deposit is down :)

  15. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    You are in the UK and it is in WA ?
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