Pirate ship

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Radka, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Radka
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    Radka Junior Member


    my name is Radka and I am from the Czech Republic.
    I wanted to ask, if you could help me. Me and my friend, we want to build a pirate ship fake. The ship is going to be on the pond only, it will never go on the sea, but it should move. The ship we imagine could be so 30m long and 6-10 breadth, with sails, cannons and pirtates, some cabins for children and storage space for rum of course. We thought we could build it by using a real old ship as a base, but we dont really know the possiblities.
    My friend builds wooden houses, but he has never built a ship. I would like to ask you if you could help us with it. We need somebody to draw the ship project for us and give us the instructions for making.
    Could you please recommend somebody who could help? Thank you for your time and sorry for my poor English.

    Best Regards

    e-mail: radka.mallorca@centrum.cz
  2. hoytedow
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  3. peter radclyffe
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  4. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    this new ship built in egypt came into portoferraio this month
  5. Radka
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    Radka Junior Member

    Dear Hoytedow, thank you for your kind help. I like Bataan very much, but I havent found out how to contact him.His e-mail address doesnt work.
  6. Radka
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    Radka Junior Member

    Peter I know La Grace, she is czech and really great. Thank you.
  7. Radka
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    Radka Junior Member

    Bataan, Sir, My name is Radka and I am from the Czech Republic.
    I wanted to ask, if you could help me. Me and my friend, we want to build a pirate ship fake. The ship is going to be on the pond only, it will never go on the sea, but it should move a bit. The ship we imagine could be so 30m long and 6-10 breadth, with sails, there should be cannons on it and pirtates, some cabins for children and storage space for rum of course. We tought we could build it by using a real old ship as a base, but we dont really know the possiblities.
    My friend builds wooden houses, but he has never built a ship. I would like to ask you if you could help us with it. We need you to draw the ship project (plan) for us and give us the instructions for making. I would send you the scheme of our idea, so you can let me know your options and price.
    If you are not interested could you please recommend somebody who would be, but I have heard you are the best and I like your profile picture so much. Thank you for your time and sorry for my poor English.Radka
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2011
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's very unlikely that you'll find anyone to instruct you in how to build a 90' ship, though plans would be easy enough to come by. In short, if you need instructions, then you are grossly unqualified to attempt a project of this scale, especially if certification is required. A 90' ship isn't a back yard wood shed and is a massive undertaking without professional assistance.
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    Hi Radka
    I'll email you separately and you can send some details, but I have little time.
    I'm attaching a couple of pics of the BLACK PEARL as she was when filming Pirates 3 in San Pedro. This is what you want to build?
    BP was built on an offshore supply vessel called SUNRISE by welding computer-lofted, water-jet-cut steel framing to the hull, bolting plywood strips to that and fastening planking over all. She has twin engines, a bow thruster and 3 large gensets to provide power for film lighting. The conversion cost several million dollars, even done in Mexico with its lower labor costs. It is already in poor shape after a few years due to not being built with longevity in mind.
    You can see that she has no rig above the lower masts, this was because she did not have the stability to carry such, and being a film vessel all shots showing upper rig were done with models. Here are a couple pics of those.
    Using an existing hull for a fantasy ship is obviously possible, but rarely does it resemble the desired shape or possess the necessary stability.
    I am very busy making films and have little time to design a floating film set for you, but if you consult books and magazines on Ship Model Making, a surprising amount of applicable information can be found. Also the same skills cross over from miniature to full sized.
    Just because it is going to be on a "pond", doesn't mean one can ignore basic stability and static safety. A square rig has tremendous windage and upsetting moment even without sails set.
    If I were doing the job you have outlined, I would probably find a steel barge in very good condition and erect a steel frame on that, then clad with wood, and only the lower masts and sails.
    A housebuilder often has trouble with shipbuilding since there are no straight lines on a ship, and all curved lines must be correct or it looks very wrong.
    Build a simple ship model from a kit, complete with rigging, then think about your project in a new light. Don't bother to fuss over making it for display, just get the feel for how they go together and how they look.
    Then build a model of your desired ship and the problems will be self-evident and you can solve them in miniature before proceeding to the big project.

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  10. Radka
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    Radka Junior Member

    Hello Bataan

    I try to send you e-mails, but it comes undelivered. I am very grateful for your help!
  11. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    Radka, what is your budget for this vessel and how long do you intend it to last please.
  12. Capt Mike
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    Capt Mike Junior Member

    OMG Don't take this but there is no way you two could ever pull that one off. it would cost on the low end at least at least $800,000 and as much as 7,000,000. the cheaper one, nothing would work. All just for looks. You should try restoring about 30' boat first, then move up to a 50' or so. Or jump right in and buy one, and remember the more you spend up front the less it will cost you later.

    It only took Denis Holland 13 years to build the ( SPIRIT OF DANA POINT ) He started in 1970 and hit the water in 1983


    I think I know a bit about restoring boats, I am on my sixth boat restoration. I live on my boat with two guys and we work on this 31m every single day, seven days a week. I have been working on this one for elven months and need another year.
  13. Radka
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    Radka Junior Member

    My budget is big, but I dont want to buy a ship, I need the building plans....... And it should last as long as possible,but there are many circumstances ofcourse. Thank you.
  14. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    There are hundreds of cataloged designs in several locations around the world (the Smithsonian, MIT, Mystic Seaport, etc.) that will easily satisfy the requirement of this poster. I can think of a few dozen just from memory. If he's having this much trouble then he's just not looking. This said and again, this type of project needs an NA, if not for the plans but to oversee the project. I have stock plans for a 55' brigantine that could easily be a pirate ship. The price without changes is $5,800. Naturally, any additions or alterations will increase the plans cost.

    In short Radka, you're just not looking for designs. I can think of at least a dozen designers that have classic, old school square rigged vessel designs, of every imaginable shape and configuration. If you're not finding them, you're just not looking.

    Just opening a very common book on the subject produced this: Sultana, built 1768 in America. A small vessel that could easily be a pirate ship. Attached are lines, inboard profiles and sketch. Many examples of this and larger vessels are easily obtainable.

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  15. Capt Mike
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