Paying someone to do your homework

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by gonzo, May 21, 2011.

  1. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

  2. anthony goodson
    Joined: Mar 2007
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    "His understanding of the subject is minimal .his ethics are nil " A sideways career change into politics would be his best bet then.
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    He would be better being a banker.
  4. Lister

    Lister Previous Member

    Gonzo you think the guy as a paying customer and try to subcontract the work, not knowing himself how to do it?
  5. Poida
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Poida Senior Member

    Not a bad idea, is there a gynecology forum anywhere?
  6. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Careful what you wish for Poida, you might just find the sickest gash you've ever seen, oozing green puss and everything. Take that mental image to bed with you tonight . . .

  7. Poida
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Poida Senior Member

    I will be Par, unless the wife is sleeping somewhere else tonight.
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