Patterson 21' Trimaran Plans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by redreuben, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. rcnesneg
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  2. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Not for me :(
  3. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    No Patterson Tri images ...

    When I visit Tom Henry's FB page I can only view the 'Tom's Photos' and 'Albums' links, where I see no images of Patterson's Tri. Am I missing something? AJ
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    We're all missing something-I'll PM Tom and try to see whats what...
  5. Tom.151
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    Tom.151 Best boat so far? Crowther Twiggy (32')

    New Link to TomH Patterson 21 album

    Here's a direct link to the Photos / Albums / Patterson 21 /

    This is set to "Public" access - youshouldn't have to be a facebook member.

    As soon as this is viewable on this forum I'll check the above link for whether it actually works

    I just verified the direct link -- It took me into the album okay
    But, though set to "Public" access it seems not to be working for me if I'm not logged in.
    Maybe a temporary thing, dunno, but I cannot fix FB broken features if that's what it is.
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Tom, I'm not a facebook member and the link is exactly the same as previously. Must be a facebook thing-thanks for trying!
  7. hump101
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    hump101 Senior Member

    The facebook link didn't work for me the first time, but works perfectly now. a lovely set of photo's. The more I see the more I like.
  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Just tried again -I clicked on the cover photo of the Coral Queen-but no P1 pix.
    Tom, when the page comes up what do you click on?
  9. champ0815
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    champ0815 Senior Member

    Seems to be only for facebook members - after logging in I could see the photos.
  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Thanks, Champ you're probably right.
  11. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Tom, I've copied some of the photos from your Facebook page, I can put them up here if thats ok with you ?
  12. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    Works like a charm for me now!

    Doug, Just for you, here are the direct links to all the pictures in his album. I gotta say, the more I look at this boat, the more I like it! The mast looks too heavy, but otherwise, very cool!











  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Thanks, RC! And thanks, Tom-did you build that boat? That is the most advanced small tri I think I have ever seen. Aerodynamically clean and loads of room-I couldn't be more impressed!
    Tom, do you have any numbers for the boat?
  14. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben


    Yep pretty impressive, not high windage at all really, though sitting headroom is pretty tight at just under 4'.
    Would like to have seen that aft birth dammit !

    Attached Files:

  15. saltdragon
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    saltdragon Junior Member


    I see what the designer meant when he said that the folding system was complicated. I certainly wouldn't be able to describe it without being face to face and waving my hands around a bit. But a smashing little boat, now 25' overall!
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