Patterson 21' Trimaran Plans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by redreuben, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. redreuben
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    redreuben redreuben

    Hi folks,

    I was wondering if anyone might know the whereabouts of a set of plans to John Pattersons "little boat" his 21' centre cockpit trimaran.
    Looks to be the perfect coastal boat for two.

    Here is some more info;

    Sailing & Living Aboard a Patterson 21 Trimaran

    Thanks in advance for any clues or referrals,

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

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    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
  3. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    The link you posted didn't come thru.
  4. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    upchurchmr: Doug got it.

    Doug: Thanks for that, mine failed, yes have sent email but if he's cruising chances are slim, he's also retired so may not want to get involved, so, just seeing whats out there.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Hope you'll post what you hear(or don't) -it's rare that I have seen a trimaran design that I like so much!
  6. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    The small tri guy is going to ask John Patterson if he is willing to supply plans with no support. We shall see.
  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Hope it works out-would you build it if you get the plans?
  8. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Well Doug, given that what I have been looking for is somewhere between a faster Tristar or a cruisier Bucc24 with modern shapes, I think I may have found her.
  9. saltdragon
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    saltdragon Junior Member

    Patterson small tri lines ?

    Patterson small tri .png

    I was looking at the John Patterson Design website and noticed that vertically along the page of his design images there is the above drawing, it appears to be a drawing of 'small tri'. It certainly looks like the photo's. It's back to front, there are the positions of three bulkheads indicated which would also fit with the photos. The bow sections are interesting.
  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Interesting SD, thanks...
  11. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Salt dragon; well spotted ! Very interesting, almost looks Crowther-ish like a bow bulb ! Curiouser and curiouser !
  12. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    RR & Doug ~

    Hi Guys ~

    I've been following Internet posts concerning John's Patterson 'small' trimaran after I contacted Joe ( asking if he know of John's design or had any info about the possibility of available plans. I first discovered John's boat back in 2011 when it was for sale. I contacted the owner only to hear back in 2012 that the boat had sold the previous year. I was directed to John's site to inquire about plans. In a brief reply to my inquiry, John stated that his 20 footer was a great boat and that he sailed it over 15,000 miles in all conditions, however, the folding system was difficult to build. It was very strong, worked well, didn't extend much above the boat which made trailering easier but it took a lot of emails and phone calls as it was difficult to draw it for builders. At that time John stated he had no intention of offering plans, as he was retired and thought it difficult to offer any builder support.

    When I tracked down John's boat back in 2011/2012 (it had just changed hands and the previous owner did not wish to give out any information at that time). I have however, recently heard that it has once again changed hands. As of the end of last year (2014), my trail ended in the lost, frozen north of Canada with no further contact(s). Possibly, this is the boat Bill S. mentions in his post to the Patterson 21 blog entry on Joe's site. Maybe Bill S. will chime in here and let us know.

    I too would like to find one of the 3 boats built (according to John) or obtain plans. So, please keep me posted.

    Oh Doug, one of your TS 18s started on eBay last week. I have been following the listing. Thanks for all your info when we corresponded back in 2013. If I were closer, I'd consider the purchase and see how she sails.

  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thanks AJ! That boat sold 88 copies but was not backed very well by the company that built it. But I owe Rodney Thompson the owner of the company for giving me that break. He was terribly let down by the manager of his "T-Craft" division who hated the idea of building sailboats.
    I really like Pattersons design and I think it is one of the timeless great designs.I'm amazed I didn't find it until now.
    Maybe we'll run across more info as time goes by.........

    Pictures-TS18 that I designed and built the tooling for around '74,'75 . Was fast according to Paul Schreck who raced it a lot. I raced it a few times and won my races against some bigger boats. It was faster than an Ensenada 20 upwind and downwind.
    AJ I found the listing on eBay-kinda sad looking but only $10 bid so far:

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  14. Tom.151
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    Tom.151 Best boat so far? Crowther Twiggy (32')

  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Tom, I didn't see a link or gallery-perhaps one has to join Facebook to see them?
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