Paralympic sailing equipment evaluation

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Pewit, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. Pewit
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    Pewit New Member

    Level 4 Paralympic sailor Chris Sharp testing the Weta

    Wetas available for Paralympic evaluation around the world. See the Weta World Map here
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Great video! The only thing I wonder about is what about pitchpole or capsize?
    If the boat can do it -it will happen no matter who is sailing it.
    Would the idea be to have a chase boat along when sailed by a disabled sailor?
  3. Pewit
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    Pewit New Member

    As you will know from the video Doug, the Weta inverts if it capsizes and it's easy to get onto the tramps as they are just below water level when the boat is upside down.

    From there you can sit on the float and wait for rescue as its very stable and better than being in the water. Or if you are more able - undo the hatch, let the air out and right the boat - I find a seal dive into the cockpit as it comes upright is effective but not very elegant :)

    In the UK they've been using the Weta with a drop-in seat for 5 years and haven't managed to capsize it yet because of the location of the seated helm.

    However, the boats used by para sailors will likely be supplied with the furling jib and with the jib furled, the Weta is stable in almost any wind. As proved by 78yo George Morris sailing a Weta in Scotland when he was caught in a 56 knot squall.

    All para events have rescue boats on hand when racing.

  4. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Thank you for the info and best of luck!
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