outboard powerboat transom core

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by brokensheer, May 21, 2018.

  1. brokensheer
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    brokensheer Senior Member

    Hi folks I would like to open a discussion on transom coring. a transom must support a outboard motor in many styles and horse powers,, are folks using high density material in the local areas of the outboard bracket? do we core the complete transom width? can we use the same thickness material and less density?,, long ago I was told something like 12 # density with about 75 oz of glass either side works but with maximum HP and multi engines change all this

  2. jorgepease
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    I have 1.5 in 26lb coosa covered with 120 0z of glass both sides ... I have a 115 HP outboard but I could go much higher if the boat could take it.
  3. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    12# is too light

    I am using corelite 26.

    Not sure I like it. Seems too brittle like it needs a binder.

    Guess the glass will help.

    Coosa Bluewater has higher flexural to the glass inside it.

    But the cost was 3x and I am only running 70hp.

  4. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Just because foam is hd doesn't mean it is high enough and who wants a broken sheer?:D
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