Outboard drawings

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by wojtek_pagacz, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. wojtek_pagacz
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    wojtek_pagacz Junior Member

    I'm looking for a 9.9-15 hp outboard engine drawing(.dxf, .dwg etc) to fit in a 2.75 m RIB GA. Anyone know where I could find one?

  2. Lister

    Lister Previous Member

    The Tohatsu website give your the drawing of the whole range of outboard.
    A very good and easy site
  3. BayouDude
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    BayouDude Junior Member

    Here are some 6-15 I found a few years ago. The brunswick corporation used to have them for download. I haven't been able to find anything new though.
    I have larger ones as well. Not sure if they would be an exact match for new outboards but it should get you in the ball park. I can't see the physical dimensions differing too much.

    Attached Files:

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