Opinions on ignition for a big block chrysler

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by crankshaft, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    You don't necessarily have to go fully electronic. I replaced the distributor (only the distributor) on my 70's era Mercruiser 165 (a marinized GM250 inline 6) and it improved the reliability so much it's like having a new engine. I bought a Mallory marine breakerless distributor from Summit Racing. I also bought a new coil and it was a disaster. I replaced it with the original coil ( a new one) and it works better than the modern electronic one from Mallory. Oh, by the way I sent it back to Summit Racing and they refunded my money. Anyway, that's it. It is a simple drop in replacement. I bought new ignition wires and plugs but they are basically the same as the old ones just in better condition.
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  2. crankshaft
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    crankshaft Junior Member

    Love that 165. I really wish my uni had twin 165’s.. such great efficient engines, and perfectly suited for high load reliability. I checked out the Mallory distributor at summit. I may order one. Be really easy. I would think of doing the petronix conversion, but I don’t have a distributor for it at all.
  3. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    A simple way to convert is the Ford EDIS system. You need: EDIS-8 module, toothed wheel and sensor, coilpacks, wire harness of a 1991-97 Ford V8 (junkyard). This you drive with a fully programable Megajolt box.

    If you start with a bare block maybe you should also look at the throttle body injections available. No more fiddling with the carb ever, no E10 fears. Todays TBI's are self learning, no programing needed, plug and play affairs.

    It all depends on what you already have and how much you are willing to spend.

  4. crankshaft
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    crankshaft Junior Member

    Ehh, nah, I wouldn’t wish that ford ignition, on any boater. I thought about EFI, but, I want reliability/ease of repair. Not once will you see an AFB based carb just, not make it home. And I want myengine components to be easily swapped.
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