old aluminum yacht/how go after repair with years on boat papers?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by gp333, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. gp333
    Joined: Mar 2009
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    gp333 Junior Member

    I find one 1966 30m perfect aluminum yacht.. all inside can not be used at all
    but hull is good.. and as i know aluminum 1st yacht produced have no rust

    this looks me great idea for repair.. as cost of whole yacht is less than you buy aluminum only.

    But boat is too old for register in some countries

    i not know if you rebuild 2010 whole ship, this in papers will be 1966 still! have some solution after rebuild that it be 2010 in papers?

    Or I think that after rebuild I go register it as brand new yacht? (and 'forget' old papers).. as aluminum really can be valid years..

    any advices here?
  2. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    someone in the Mafia can fix the registration for you...it is italy after all ///
  3. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member


    Ignoring the initial price, do you really want a 30m boat?

    Buy what you can afford and want......any more is going to cost, cost cost....
  4. LyndonJ
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    LyndonJ Senior Member

    A lot of boats get re-born, it's just a case of filling in a new builders certificate, different if needs to be built to class compliance and needs inspections though.
  5. goldhunter_2
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    goldhunter_2 Junior Member

    why some countries would have a age restriction for a aluminum yacht is beyond me , but why not just register it in a country that does not have such a restriction

  6. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    Age restriction ...If you have ever tried to weld an old boat you will know that the aluminium becomes brittle and is not the material it was 40 years ago ....
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