Offset Rudder Pivot for Cassette Rudders

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Be sure to click on these pictures and study them: this is a brilliant solution to achieving a balanced rudder with a cassette rudder system(rudder slides up and down like a daggerboard). With more and more cats using rudder t-foils this is a great solution. This is Dario Valenza's set up on his new Paradox A-Class and a similar system is being used by the GC32 cat for the same purpose.

    Can't grab the pictures-you'll have to go here to see them. Worth it:

    More picture from Dario's site:

    From Dario Valenza:

    This assembly determines the position of the pivot axis relative to the rudder blade and the angle of the blade relative to the tiller.
    The position of the pivot axis is critical to the balance of the rudder: The further back along the blade (more foil area ahead of the pivot axis) the more ‘compensation’. Meaning more area helping to turn the rudder relative to the area behind the axis pushing to straighten the rudder.
  2. lewisboats
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Got one... couldn't get the other. Neat system.


    Ahh... got it.

  3. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thanks, Steve-thats great!
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