OBM Engine Bracket Corrosion

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by RakeshTendulkar, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. RakeshTendulkar
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    RakeshTendulkar Junior Member

    Good Morning to All,
    Hi, I am Rakesh from India. I am working for a FRP Boat mfg. company. We had installed one SS316L Engine Bracket on powerboat last year. Boat is running verywell. Now customer is telling that they have to replace Anodes frequently due to Electrolisis and getting scared that engine bracket might get corroded.
    My question is can we do FRP layer coating on Engine Bracket, is this will help OR any other solution?
    Thanks in advance to all senior members.

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  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    the choice of SS for the bracket is an unusual one, there is a weight penalty and you do introduce the greater corrosion risks. You could paint it, FRP not a good idea. Extra anodes may be called for.
  3. RakeshTendulkar
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    RakeshTendulkar Junior Member


    Thanks Sir.
    But what type of painting will be good?
    Epoxy Based or PU Based?

  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    some systems mix epoxy primer with 2-pack PU finish, epoxy is no good as a finish coat in sunlight ( poor UV resistance). I think I'd rather fully explore other options first, than immediately paint, though. There may be experts here with the right advice about galvanic corrosion anti-measures.

  5. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    The SS316 does not corrode, but the large bare surface surely expedites galvanic activity.
    Covering stainless steel with any kind of coating may introduce new issues because it is very difficult to obtain a 100% closed surface. If the customer persists I would use something flexible like PU or chlorinated rubber. Of course the brackets must be meticulously cleaned first.
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