NZ Buccaneer 40 Tri Project Boat - advice

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Ooks, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Ian, if you wanted to slow it down it would be easy to take another line in the opposing direction to another boat or a drogue or whatever. There is another video online of them deliberately sailing the 25ft Firebird cat "Orion" over so they could demonstrate the righting system, again a very gentle inversion.

  2. waynemarlow
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    waynemarlow Senior Member

    Why are you doing it the hard way, two dockside cranes, line to the bow, line to the middle of the stern, lift it up and rotate around the central axis, let back down onto the water, job done.
  3. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Anytime you are doing something like this in proximity to hard objects plus point loadings you have a lot more potential for doing damage imho, let alone the cost of cranes. Cranes are several hundred dollars per hour base to base x 2, then repeat the process for righting. When you rotate a boat in the water it is supported evenly over a lot of structure by the water and all you are doing is rotating it. Most people know someone with a powerboat who will help out. This seems like an easy task to me. I have rolled new hulls we have built by various methods including cranes and by far the quickest, cheapest and easiest has always been to throw a hull turning party with free beer and bbq, and just manually rolling it on old tires, many hands make light work. You have to do the turning before the drinking of course.
    Theres a video online of the launching of the 75ft Spronk cat Ppalu, they just picked it up and carried it to the water with a hundred or so of their closest friends. Back in the days of the lumber scows in New Zealand if they had to do bottom repairs the took the masts down, rotated the boat in the water and then pulled them up the railway upside down. Brilliant.

  4. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    When Logan Apperleys K40 was diagonally capsized in Manly (NSW) harbour
    the water police boat with its big twin engines backed up to the stern of the capsized Tri, two lines were passed over and attached to the front of the crossarms. The police boat was then gunned at full throttle and "Mana Moana"
    rolled bow over stern onto her feet. There was no serious damage, although most of the loose gear in the boat was washed out and lost, including my prized spray jacket. :mad:
  5. hump101
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    hump101 Senior Member

    We turned the 40' cat hull we built using a single crane on one end (bridle to each bow). Supported the transom on the floor. With a good crane operator he can lift without dragging the transom, then when in the air just rotate and lay it down again. We lifted on the anchor attachment points, which were easily strong enough to take the boat weight, and you could do the same thing over the quay side and use the water instead of the floor.

    Nice and controlled, no strain on anything, and you can take as long as you want to let water drain, etc. Well worth the crane money, in my opinion.
  6. Ooks
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    Ooks Ian

    So youtube is helpful. Someone has even been so kind as to create a group of small videos all related to Tris going over and coming back.... Sometimes I just love the internet.
    Bigger Tris - ORMA 60 seem to opt crane a single arma up and over. ie lifts aram and main over unsuspended arma. I suppose a good crane operator can manage the load and keep it spread between floating support below and crane support from above.
    End over end appeals though. Boat is getting wet no matter what and spreading loads appeals to me.
    and now that option but using crane - have to admit that sounds a lot more controlled.
    I will not get to see her till late Jan and will visit the harbour - I suspect physical constraints of the location might guide my choices a lot.
    Thanks all for input - and very happy to hear anybody elses experiences.
  7. Ooks
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    Ooks Ian

    Quick follow up to this post series - unfortunately rot was found in the rear beam on the yacht and that made it start looking like more project than I was up for on the other side of the ditch. I have not heard back from the production team what is happening with the yacht, but for someone more local than I it still looks like a good project. I hope someone can breath life back into her. happy to pass on the details of production team if anyone is interested.
  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I am vaguely interested in this boat. These boats had ply beams if I recall correctly so should be a reasonably straightforward fix. If you could pass on the details Ian I'll contact them.
  9. Ooks
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    Ooks Ian


    I have spoke to the production company after my last post and was advised they have a new local buyer. Anything can and does happen though, so if you still want to contact them I am happy to pass on their details - but can you PM me. The guy was really helpful and would rather not put his email address up here directly - he seemed pretty busy.


  10. Marmoset
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    Marmoset Senior Member

    I woulda thought some quick flashy shots and a very large model would have sufficed for a scene like that? Then once over all the close ups would be a non rigged plywood hull cheaply built.

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