New Zealand's AC 72 Loss demands more Accountability and Dalton & Barker loss stats

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by oceancruiser, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    You're way ahead and more sophisticated than me, Troy, brewing your exotic stuff; I'm just a simple supermarket purchaser from the beer racks. And we have very good selections in Auckland too.
    However I've had the misfortune to taste some truly foul Kiwi homebrews - but respect the motivation/dedication of the brewers.
    Actually a friend (a biochemist, a perfectionist, goes without saying) made mead, absolutely superb stuff. He lived on the third floor of Dilworth flats in Parnell, Auckland and I drunkenly climbed up the side of the building, up window frames and over verandas, and got into his room and tossed some bottles down to waiting, slavering art students below. This was a while ago, ha. He never forgave me. Quite right too.
    Actually, I guess, brewing your own stuff is similar to designing/building your own boats.
  2. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Amazing Troy! You should start a "boat for a brewmaster" thread. How much room you need and so on. If you start cruising you'd certainly make friends everywhere.

    Mead is the new trend here too. We are starting to see micro mead breweries sprouting up. I had some a few years ago a friend made and liked it (and her!).
  3. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Now there's a thought... a microbrewery on a boat. :)

    Try googling 'JOAM' (Joe's Orange Ancient Mead). I haven't made any yet, but it's on my list. It's dead simple to make a gallon or two, and I haven't seen anyone online knock it yet.
  4. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Great story, but I'm not surprised he hasn't forgiven you. Especially since good mead needs time to age...:p
  5. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Gary I was replying to troy 2000 who seems to think that you need help in replying.

    It wasn,t the article that caused the reply as you well know, it was the use off the word troll which you openly stated would provoke a reaction. Only a poster from crew org would know that. They ganged together to get banned a fellow from california that had good debating skills and different intelligent views from the majority of the bullies on crew org and questioned why was it only about a dozen members made regular postings on that siite and if anybody had a different view to express or contribute to them they ganged up severly against them calling them trolls. He used that issue as a reason that from about 3000 members only about a dozen regular posters where participating at crew and wondered why new members where not posting. He correctly or incorrectly guessed it was fear.
    He got eventually got banned when he complained free speech was being censored by the webmaster and I got banned for posting go ORACLE and making postings Oracle would win the cup. Nearly all my postings where removed that had any referrence to the contary about team NZ winning.

    Members would post webmaster please remove this posting.

    The world troll was excessively used by the main posters.

    I challenged the webmaster as to why I had been banned when other members where frequently using the in their postings and openly bully members. He replied stating too many members where taking to much off his time complaining asking for my banning and that he was the all powerful.

  6. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Troy 2000 take up the suggestion and start a thread "boat brew master."

    I sure you have plenty of boozy tales to tell and how to make a good brew that could be retained in the system / body during a perfect storm.

  7. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    WTF does any of that have to do with my posts - which were in response to your irrational demands that Gary take ownership of and defend a quote he clearly didn't even agree with?

    You have issues, son. If you aren't willing to seek professional help, at least stop inflicting yourself on innocent forum members while you try to work through them on your own.
  8. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Actually, Oceancruiser, I owe an apology; I thought you were that trolling turkey that keeps changing his name and is a real basher of sensitivities ... and obviously I made a mistake, because you're a mild, even sensitive, version of him ... and maybe not a troll at all ... although a bit of a defecation stirrer, no?
    Now what was the thread topic we were earnestly and politely debating?
  9. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    Yes , What was that topic.
  10. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    My tea leaves were going to suggest it was the use of witchcraft influencing the wind pressure areas in San Francisco Bay. Or Alien intervention......but the differences were resolved by a demonstration of Corinthian spirit. This is a cup match that will always be talked about for sure.
  11. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    New Zealand's AC 72 Loss demands more Accountability and Dalton & Barker loss stats
    "However much we hoped that Dalton and Barker would neutralize the might and somehow circumvent the extreme wealth of squillionaire, Larry Ellison, deep down I suspect we never really expected to pull off the miracle.
    Not even at 8 - 1 ahead did I have the confidence that I'd expect to be feeling in an all-but scenario.

    Our worst nightmare then unfolded.

    Team New Zealand choked, they blew it, dare I say in the final analysis, they appeared clueless as to how to nail that one, elusive, last win.

    But that hasn't stopped us treating them as heroes after their homecoming.

    What I do have deep reservations about is that this wave of sentiment as opposed to sensibility has become the priority in deciding any future activity of Team New Zealand.

    And what really frustrates me is the undue haste with which the government represented by Steven Joyce has rushed to assure Dalton, Barker and co. that you, me and every other taxpayer are automatically prepared to hand them millions more dollars to fund another Cup campaign as soon as they ask for it.

    To me, this is simply political grandstanding which is exploiting the over-the-top sympathy being shown to the sailors and their failed campaign.

    In brief, why should it be unquestionably assumed that Grant Dalton and Dean Barker and I presume every other member of the 2013 Team New Zealand outfit should be the personnel involved next time around?" sailing website and newsletter.

    ETNZ AC 72 Grant Dalton and Dean Barkers Americas Cup Race Record Stats.

    Grant Dalton has been attempting to win the Americas Cup for a decade and hasn't succeeded.


    Grant Dalton has just overseen arguably the biggest choke in sporting history.

    Dean Barker has lost more Americas Cup races since it began over 150 years ago than
    any other helsman / Captain, 23 final Cup Races losses and Won only 10 races


    Dean Barker has blown three Americas Cup finals series.

    Sir Russell Coutts Americas Cup Race Record Stats.

    New Zealander

    As a CEO and as Skipper / Helsman with Sir Russell Coutts the Americas Cup has been won 5 Times

    As skipper / helmsman in America's cup racing, the number of races that have been won a perfect record with
    15 wins and 0 losses (1995, 2000, 2003).

    As CEO of the Oracle Team the America's Cup has been defended successfully twice with 13 race wins
    and 8 race losses (2010 and 2013, both times with James Spithill as skipper / helmsman) .


    The Americas cup

    will always be a billionaires extravagant waste in resources in an effort to gain personal glory even though they in most instances buy it with common peoples skills. The NZ market as far as tourism NZ is Concern is that 60% plus tourists come from Aussie. Additionally they sailed and trialed in NZ waters for 28 months approx. Advertising tourism to NZ's in NZ. !!!! with no overseas articles or photo graphs. Nobody overseas knows what the tourism logo means. Did not have tourism NZ underneath it or NZ made or 100% NZ. The vodka SPACE WAS THREE TO 4 TIMES BIGGER IN SIZE so I guess they paid 150m dollars and Emirates air line accordingly must have paid 600m dollars at least for the area they had and Camper must have paid about 300m dollars for their space. It is generally accepted like commercial rents you pay per sq foot or inch area. Its well documented that the majority of viewers where NZ's and Aussies. The NZ govt got taken for a ride re the size they where allocated and the position they where allocated. Nesspresso and Sky Vodka had the best spots. Look at all the press and magazine photo graphs published. Most off the close up shots are from behide as the photographers are not allowed to be in front and the shots are usually just above the Skyy vodka position and not by much. Every time barker was interviewed by TV NZ after each race the cameras and barker head was so position all your saw was Skky Vodka on the wing sail and no other sponsors. Did barker or the camera men have shares in the newly launched Skyy Voda product.

    Accordingly the govt helped fund all the other sponsors to advertise their products / services in / to New Zealanders and Australians. It was wasted resources and funds for billionaires glory hunting and New Zealanders are now motivated to fly Emirates airlines rather than Air New Zealand. NZ and Australians buy camper products drink nesspresso coffee and skyy vodka. Yes. And Sir Ben Ainslie [spotted and recruited by Sir Russell Coutts] as tactician And Australian strategist Laser ace Tom Slingsby under the management, training, organization skills of Sir Russell Coutts proved to have far better skills than Dalton or Ray Davies. Barker no match for the Oracle team and helmsman. Oracle employed the worlds best foil designers from the ALLINGI DESIGN TEAM AND OTHER BEST DESIGNERS RE BOAT DESIGNS TECHS. ONCE DALTON THREW THE GET OUT OF JAIL CARD TO SPITHILL TO HAVE A LAY DAY WHEN IF THEY HAD NOT THEY IN ALL PROBABILITY WOULD HAVE WON THE. CUP. BUT BRILLIANTLY A MAJOR AND MONUMENTAL F...... UP DECICSION. IF THEY HAD OFF WON DALTON WAS GOING TO SCRAP THE CATAMARANS THAT EVERY ONE, EVEN THE NON SAILING VIEWING PUBLIC THAT HAD NEVER SEEN YACHT RACING BEFORE OR THOUGHT CORRECTLY AS IN THE PAST YACHT RACING WAS LIKE WATCHING PAINT DRY. HE WAS GOING TO RE INSTALL ALL THAT. THAT WOULD HAVE BE A DISASTER AND A WASTE OF ALL THE FUNDS INCLUDING THE GOV'TS FUNDS TO GET THE ADVANCE DESIGNS TO WHERE THEY ARE TODAY AND THE INCREASE IN PUBLIC VIEWING TOWARDS YACHT RACING .


    That's for your posting Gary.
  12. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    How much money did New Zealand taxpayers put into the cup this year?
  13. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Three year challenge period $36 million.

    The team has just been given another $5million to pay about 50% of the team and bills O/S so they don't get solicited to other syndicates, Dalton and Barker included for six months non refundable. While Dalton tries to determine if he can put together another challenge after he stated he would not do another Americas Cup if he lost.

    Some would classify that as six months dole payments.

    He and Barker have not disclosed how much they pay themselves despite public requests to do so. Barker has just purchased another property [$3 million] near his existing home in the name of his accountant. A 60 year old large non renovated property with a vacant section attached to it in a valuable area in Auckland. Auckland just been rezoned for high rise apartments, a developers dream.

  14. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Taxpayers always pay for sponsored gran prix race yachts..thats just the way it is

  15. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    It's not a Gran Prix yacht and is that is a well known fact.

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