New Mercury 6HP leaking oil

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by farjoe, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. farjoe
    Joined: Oct 2003
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    farjoe Senior Member


    last year I replaced my trusty old 2 stroke engine with a 4 stroke Mercury 6HP.

    As I was taking it out of the car for its first sea test I noted a small oil patch coming out of the prop exhaust hole. I then realised that I had been resting it horizontally the wrong side up ( 2 stroke engines are not so particular ).

    I have used it once since then and even though later on I laid it on its side the proper way up I still noted another small patch of oil coming out again, this time from around the area where the engine rotates inside the mounting bracket.

    I also noted that the service guy from Mercury who had originally filled in the engine oil had put in too much of it.

    Could the latter be the only problem or is there something more sinister?

    Thanks for any help you can give.

  2. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    The proper oil level is a bit of a problem with engines that are often removes and stored/transported.
    You have a first class Japanese machine, it is highly unlikely that it really leaking.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If some oil spilled it is likely that it some got puddled somewhere on the engine. Try cleaning and drying it well first. Is the oil filler cap screwed down tight and the o-ring in good condition?
  4. farjoe
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    farjoe Senior Member

    Externally the engine is completely clean but anyway this can't be the reason since the oil seems to have come out of the exhaust ports. The oil filler cap is screwed ok and the o-ring is new. Also the cap was facing up.

    There must be a breather somewhere? Come to think of it, how would I drain the oil when I want to replace it?

    Anybody has a sectional drawing of a typical small 4 stroke outboard? I am familiar with normal car engines and 2 stroke outboards but 4 stroke are new to me.


  5. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

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