New High Performance Monofoilers II

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Here is a description of Scarliga Merluss AKA The Spruce Goose. The boat is under development in Italy....
    This was found on "Foiling Week"-THE site for new multi and monofoilers!


    Scarliga Merluss is a sailboat prototype based on a Moth. It is designed to be sailed by two people crew and it is made following the 1001Vela Cup regulation. Scarliga Merluss’s hull sandwich is made of linum and cork. The inner structures are 100% marine plywood while the upper structures are made of aluminium and bamboo. The appendages are two T shape foils. The mainfoil has a flap and a simplified control sistem inspired by Moth. The control system has a wand that can be trimmed onboard by the crew. The rudder can tilt to get the right uplift to mantain a correct balance. The mainsail is a 14 sqm soft wingsail. It is able to modify its wing profile on every point of sailing in order to have a better lift, up to 30%. It is made by Heru sails. The boat reached 19 kn at its first trial with 15 kn of true wind.
  2. Baltic Bandit

    Baltic Bandit Previous Member

    So it will have higher loads and be heavier than a moth. Odds are slower too.
  3. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    And you can take a mate!
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

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  5. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    It sounds like the objective is to call attention to 'sustainable materials' for boat building by making an interesting boat. Fast and fun to watch but not intended to beat anything.

    If they wanted to show they could beat moths they would have built a moth.

  6. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    High Performance Monofoilers

    The quoted part of the previous post has been a mantra of some mothies: "you can't build a bigger Moth" repeated often a few years ago. If you keep the ratios similar you can build a a larger bi-foiler-like Mirabaud-and at 30' it beat a Moth once and lost by a second in another race.
    The R Class(the class of the boat in the first post) two person monofoiler's can't compete with a Moth because their class rules restrict the amount of sail area available to them, BUT a two person monofoiler could most definitely be built that was at least as fast as a Moth if not faster.
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