New guy here (need parts for a 69 fiberform cuddy cabin)

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Timedwards36, May 19, 2014.

  1. Timedwards36
    Joined: May 2014
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    Timedwards36 Junior Member

    Hi all, I am a Navy vet who never stepped foot on a ship (seabee). I just bought a 69 fiberform cuddy cabin, I cannot find parts for it! I need a water pump. Is their a boat graveyard somewhere? I will be posting pictures soon. Thanks in advance for your time!
  2. Grey Ghost
    Joined: Aug 2012
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    There's always ebay
  3. Timedwards36
    Joined: May 2014
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    Timedwards36 Junior Member

    I looked at eBay, it's an odd duck. It is bolted to the engine and Plummed to the gm water pump.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What make and model is the engine? Is it an inboard or I/O?
  5. Timedwards36
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    Timedwards36 Junior Member

    It is an inboard balanced and blue printed 327 vet engine with twin rayjays, I know it seems like I am bragging but, I am.
  6. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    Post some pictures!
  7. Timedwards36
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    Timedwards36 Junior Member

    Hopefully they upload correctly.

    Attached Files:

  8. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    OK, it is a Mercruiser. Do you need the raw water pump(in the lower unit) or the circulating pump(in the front of the engine). Either one is really easy to get; go to NAPA. By the way, that is not an inboard but an I/O
  9. boatbuilder41
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    boatbuilder41 Senior Member

    Just because its a balanced and blueprOinted vette engine doesnt mean its gonna work out for your boat. its two entirely diffferent engines. unless you have a hardened crank.... i bet it dont last 500 hours. I'm not puttin your engine down but most marine gasoline engines turn up a lot more than automotive engines. not rpm. but the amount of time that it turns those 4600 rpms .drive your vette in first gear every where you go and you will get the feel of what . I'm talking about. and the power curves are a lot different. and i believe you would need to replace all of the steele freeze plugs with brass

  10. Timedwards36
    Joined: May 2014
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    Timedwards36 Junior Member

    It is a hardened crank.
    The engine has been in the boat for quit some time (since the 90s) and does well. She really likes to stretch her legs.
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