New Flybridge, Old Boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by BillAU, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. BillAU
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    BillAU Junior Member

    G'day mates,

    I was surfing the net looking at timber boats for sale when I came upon this old girl
    She's a beaut but I think the owner has made a big mistake by adding the flying-bridge. I believe by adding the FB, he has made the old girl a unsafe boat in rough seas...Am I right in my assumption?
    Would this boat not be safer, a better sea going boat, with the flying-bridge removed?

    Thanking you in advance for your views.

  2. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    1914 WOW great lines on that boat. Is there a way you could calculate the estimated
    weight above the original roof for the fly bridge?
    Did the owner who added the fly bridge
    re-inforce the original roof to allow for pasingers up there?
  3. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    I doubt the CG moved up enough to make her "unsafe" in rough seas.

    Her profile is very low to begin with, as long as the addition was done with the proper structural reinforcements, if any, she's probably built very heavy to begin with, I doubt beyond a little quicker motion there are any adverse effects.

    I like flybridge trawlers, cool

  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I also don't think the stability has been altered much, unless you put a couple of dozen teenagers up on the flybridge, while watching fireworks on the 4th. That fly bridge sure has ruined the looks of a once fine power yacht.
  5. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Looking closely its made a world of differance thats for sure and the maincabin has been a total rebuild at some time as well !! 1914 it wouldnt have looked anything like it did before the fly bridge went on !
    Its practical ,is what it is !!:D
  6. BillAU
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    BillAU Junior Member

    flying bridge

    G'day mate,

    I too think she's a beaut :)
    Apparently the owner always had professional boat builders and yards do any work on, and look after his boat, so I'm sure the FB has been built strong.
  7. BillAU
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    BillAU Junior Member

    G'day Steve,

    I too think she's a beaut, I'm also thinking of placing an offer for her once the new owner of my/his boat comes Sunday and picks up his new baby, (my old baby) ;)
    Anyway, I'll see how things progress after Sunday.
    I asked about the FB on the Boat Designers Fourm after asking for advice on and most, if not all replies said, the adding of the FB was a big mistake making the boat unsafe...And I'm at an age (70) where I don't fancy spending a lot of time and money removing, or building things on a boat.

    Thanks again Steve.

  8. Davishire
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    Davishire New Member

    I'm jealous lol
    What a beautiful liveaboard
    I think it will be fine with the flybridge
    Originally it would have had a bridge that high
    Its just more flash now
    My only concern is in poor weather its a bit open
    Do you have lower deck controls
    If your worried about being top heavy,
    And getting roll, fitt petral stabilizer fins
    Just like ships you can use tanks as ballast by equilibrium
    Between port and starboard fresh water tanks, fuel tanks etc
    You will be fine its a lovely boat
    Don't go too far into the indian away from Australia mate
    stick to coastal
    Have a good sea tryal, test her out sea if she opens under stress
    Remember to keep her wet so she swells
    Don't expect a dry bildge in an old timber girl
    She will get wet packing seals will weep etc
    Your going to have a lot of fun on that boat
    Its definitely a retirement liveaboard
    All the best

  9. BillAU
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    BillAU Junior Member


    Yes mate, she's a real beaut IMHO. I've had my eye on her for a few months, got to thinking she was just to much boat for one man and his little dog...Plus a couple of mates who would come for a week or so...for a free fishing holiday;)
    I'm not sure about: Originally it would have had a bridge that high
    To the best of my knowledge, she was built back in 1914 as a gentleman’s motor cruiser...She is not a converted fishing boat and yes, she does have two stations for navigating, upper and lower stations :)
    The new-to-me boat I end-up with will be used around Australia, the Pacific, SE Asia and New Zealand...God permitting.

    Like I said, I was thinking this lady was just to much boat for my needs but I keep going back to check if she's sold or not and I feel, at my age, I should have whatever boat I want...And can afford :D I've also been looking at this 45' Don Tickle Bridge-deck Cruiser, she's Ferro Cement, which is okay in my book but the owner/broker is asking almost as much for the FC cruiser as the 1914 woodie :eek: I do know if I were to buy any FC boat, I doubt I could ever sell it again, anyway, as I plan to live out my days on the boat I buy, then I don't think that would be an issue ;)


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