Need to find a waterjet designer...

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by npagazani, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. npagazani
    Joined: Jul 2017
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    npagazani Junior Member

    Hi Folks,
    I am designing/building a small personal watercraft that utilizes a custom designed waterjet for propulsion. I've got some basic parameters for the design like impeller diameter (58mm), thrust, power, etc., but I need someone who can review and optimize the design (pitch, rpm, nozzle, etc) to make sure it works re cavitation, maximizing efficiency, etc.
    If anyone can recommend someone who can do this it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you go to you "contact" in your personal information and activate email and conversations, I will send you information about it. Thanks
  3. npagazani
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    npagazani Junior Member

    Thanks gonzo. Newbie here and having trouble finding that option. I've tried everything in the profile page sections, but nothing.What am i missing? Is there a help page on this?
  4. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Welcome to the forum npagazani. The Conversations option has now been enabled for your account. (Sorry, this is off by default for brand new members until you've made a few posts on the public forums and a short time delay in order to reduce the chance of spam.)
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  5. npagazani
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    npagazani Junior Member

  6. Eldias
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    Eldias New Member

  7. npagazani
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    npagazani Junior Member

    Hi Eldias, sounds like a fun project. I haven't followed that thread but will be sure to browse through it now. Thanks for the link. I've actually had a short set-back as I've had an expert completely debunk my jet design design. Some of which I agree with, and some I don't. I've also contacted the MHZ guys and they have tried what I'm trying and have had some luck on a foil board using their own 64mm jet vs the 58mm I'm trying to get away with. If you're just doing a regular SUP board you should be fine with that size jet. The only issue would be the RPM you can get out of the gas motor. The guys at Lampuga are using the MHZ 64mm jet with an electric motor rated at about 15hp, at up to 15,000 RPM. It goes pretty good, up to 50 km/h if I recall.
  8. Eldias
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    Eldias New Member

    I picked up an old Evinrude Fleetwin from 1952, It's 7.5hp at 4000 rpm if I remember right. I figured I'll need to do some gearbox magic to get the rpm high enough. The goal is a 12'6" board, chisel nose, with a total capacity around 150kg (rider + propulsion + fuel + gear). Still a lot of design questions to answer, but I'm really hoping this 3d printed jet drive fits the bill. I'll keep ears out for more small jet drives and let you know if I find anything else too.

  9. heath hartman
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    heath hartman New Member

    New here and saw this and i have a 3D printer that can print up to 210 x 210 x 180 mm if you have some CAD\CAM files you can sent me and it can look them over and try a small test prints out of abs or pla if this helps send them here and my building a machine 500 x 500 x 600 now will have it up for testing next month i hope.
    Im looking in to doing a ls 6.2L supercharge engine insted of a 600 hp BBC for rpm range , weight fuel usage and power.
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