Need Stainless Steel Tubing Source For Rudder Tubes

Discussion in 'Materials' started by CatBuilder, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Does anyone know where I can find very high quality 316 stainless tubing for use as my rudder tubes?

    Ideally, I'm looking for something in North Florida, Jersey, PA, Carolinas or Georgia for local pickup, but will order online as a last resort.
  2. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Life moves faster than the internet sometimes.

    I have found some available tubing, but it's from China. Can I trust it? Is there any quality stainless made in the USA, or imported here from Germany or something, or is Chinese stainless the only game in town?

    At $1000 for the tubing and $1500 for other materials for rudders, it seems I'd want to get the highest quality material possible.

    Any ideas on this? Anyone know the US steel market?
  3. TeddyDiver
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    If there's any welds you better to have 316L..
    Try here :
    1101 North Main Street
    Wildwood, FL 34785-3432,
    (352) 748-1313
    They should have Outokumpu stainless steel from Finland.. :D
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Stainless Structurals, LLC · 590 Beautyrest Avenue · Jacksonville, Florida 32254
    Phone: 904-781-6447 · Fax: 904-781-6444 · Toll Free: 877-739-6057

    "Distributor of stainless steel shapes including beams, channels, angles, square & rectangular tubes, tread plate, smooth plate, cold drawn flats, half rounds & bar products. Special shapes including tees & zees are also available. Steel shapes are manufactured by rolling, or LaserCon® fusion methods. Annealed & pickled shapes are also available. Steel grades include 304, 304 L, 316 & 316 L. Products meet QQS, ASTM, ASME & AMS specifications."

    "If you don’t see the shape you need give us a call. There’s a good probability that we can manufacture it, even in small quantities."

    Phone: 904-781-6447
  5. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    We would very much like to see a couple of photos of your progress.
  6. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    No welds, guys. It's mostly a composite rudder with a proprietary system to keep it all together. I'm not sure I should give up Kurt's secret here, so I'll just have to say the tube isn't welded at all.
  7. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    So you need it extruded as a tube, right?
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  9. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    do you need steel cat, the last time i had to make a rudder tube and stern tube , i purchased fibreglass tube and glassed it in.
  10. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

  11. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Oh boy, I hope I'm not using the wrong terminology here. The last couple posts make me think I made a mistake. Sorry if I did.

    By stainless steel tubing for the rudders, I mean the tubing used for the rudder posts, which are hollow. My mistake. I don't mean that I need any kind of tube inside the boat to house the rudder post, but just the post itself, which is (confusingly) made from a stainless steel tube. :)

    My rudders are the kick up style, so they aren't even technically inside the boat. There is no "tube" per se inside the boat, but rather just a couple of bushings outside the boat on the cassette that swings and allows the rudder to kick up.

    Sorry for any confusion.

  12. waikikin
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Rudder "stock"
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