need help - I want to build a classic boat

Discussion in 'Education' started by yaasaay, May 16, 2011.

  1. yaasaay
    Joined: May 2011
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    yaasaay Junior Member

    hi guys

    I want to build a classic boat

    can someone give me advice and some designs plans to build it

  2. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    The only advise I can give you is buy one, don't build one.

    As for plans, decide (prioritise) what you want from the boat and then find a layout (plans) that suit your needs the best.

  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Classic doesn't really mean anything. 1960's fiberglass boats are considered classics. You need to be more specific.
  4. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member

    hi Tom
    thanks for your advice
    my plan was Just for entertainment and to spend my time without waste because I have
    a holiday now for 2 months so I decided to have a boat, and idea came in my mind
    Why not build a boat

    Do you think can I build one
    If you have some plans, site, designs, that is help in this please tell me

    Hi gonzo

    I want to build a classic boat I mean by classic (a wooden boat and easy design, normal design such as what we see in the TV or cartoon )

    if you have some idea please help me
  5. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Look up Glen-L boat designs and review the site completely, Classic mohogony designs
    are all over their site. Both inboards and outboards. Full size plans make building an easy job, I've built several off their plans going back to 1957. Plans are designed for 1st time builders. Lots of help from Glen-L and on their forum. Classic boats, up to 28'
    You will enjoy the site and the customer photos + all the info on building a classic.
    Enjoy, Stan L boat designs
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  6. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member

  7. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member

    there is also plan with it ( file in that site )

    can you look at it and see the file of pdf , if it is enough to start build a boat
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is a smart and sensible choice for a first boat.
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    BATAAN Senior Member
    The above are two suppliers of simple boat kits. I strongly recommend you start with one of these as they come pre-engineered, contain all materials, and are quite easy to build. The selections vary from kayaks to rowboats to dinghies.
  10. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    I have no other advice for you my friend other than, if Gonzo likes it then go for it!

  11. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member

    thanks for you all

    and I will inform you when I move on in this work (step by step)
  12. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    "I have a holiday now for 2 months so I decided to have a boat"

    .....well i certainly hope that you do not expect to actually finish it in this time.....
  13. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    I understand completely the desire to build something. Its the act of building itself that's in itself half the fun. Ok for me more than half the fun. The canoe is perfect, not a large outlay in materials and something attainable as a first project.

    What kinda experience do you have building in wood and what other projects have you done would give us a hint as to what your level of expertise is.

    Helps a lot if you have some previous experience with the tools and compound curved elements.

    Best of luck with it
  14. Deadeye
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    Deadeye Bender of Nails


    I built one of those a few years ago....they're a bit unstable and it takes a lot of effort to move them with a kayak paddle.
    As a knockabout that you can leave at the lake and not worry about: they're great.
    They're pretty quick and easy to build. I also put sealed foam compartments in the bow and stern on mine...and I'm glad I did.

    I'm not ripping on the design, I just wouldn't want any negative experiences to turn you off building boats in general. Once you know what you're getting out of it, it performs admirably.

    You probably won't be able to get much more than that built in two'll be surprised how much life gets in the way, lol.

    And a +1 on the Glen-L plans.
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  15. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member

    hi Deadeye

    I want your I advice

    I got a board now

    and it is about 230cm length and 100cm width

    but I don't know how much Thick will be good

    the board is about 3 cm thick . do you think it is good as Deck

    and Do I need to decrease the size or it is good 230 by 100

    because I will build a canoe

    also for the right and left side how mush I make the thick

    and which kind of wood is good
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