need help finding a make/model name database

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by peterroderick00, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. peterroderick00
    Joined: Sep 2013
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    peterroderick00 Junior Member

    im the guy that's built a couple boats in my small shop that's working toward launching my first production type recreational boat to sell & become a lagitamite & legal boatworks/boatbuilder, I`ve filled out all my MIC paperwork & im an existing LLC..does anybody know if theres a database somewhere that lists makes & models of boats & manufacturers that I can compare potential names to so I don't step on my own toes ( or somebody elses) by unknowingly stealing an existing name
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I'm not sure that such a database exists but you have a complete collection of examples in the "Boat Design Gallery" of this forum.
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Google can probably help, or a trademark register, which widens it beyond boats. I doubt a new boat name of BoeingCraft would "fly" !
  4. peterroderick00
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    peterroderick00 Junior Member

    why not ??,I have the full page promotional ad for hot boat all figured out....introducing boeingcrafts newest edition to its HIGHLY prestigious yacht line....the"THIS ONE DEFINETLY WONT SINK......#3.." thanks guys
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The USCG will not issue a MIC that is currently or formerly used by someone else. You can scan their MIC list if desired and look at what initial combinations are available and used.
  6. Stuff4Toys
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    Actually I just got our MIC code and the guy at CG said, "if it's been inactive for 10 years I can re-issue it"

    for make and model reference, try

  7. peterroderick00
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    peterroderick00 Junior Member

    now that you mention it I guess if the names not on the list the c/g has I guess it cant be taken
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