Naval architecture by distance learning.

Discussion in 'Education' started by Damian3716, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Is there less interest in studying boat design than several decades ago? Over 56,000 alumni in the 85 years since Westlawn was founded in 1930 means over an average of over 650 students a year completed the program.

    According to Dan Spurr's piece in Professional Boatbuilder No 152 December 2014 - January 2015 pp 8-9 Westlawn's enrollment has recently averaged between 130 and 160 students with a completion rate of 81%. And most students take more than a year to complete the program. So an average of over 650 students a year completing the program implies that Westlawn had many more students in the past than today.
  2. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    This is what I already pointed out - another marketing blurb.

    Average department of naval architecture in University will have 50-150 graduates per year. More often 50; 150 - somewhere in China. And this is handled by full faculty of staff! How did Westlawn managed to get 600-700 students per year, with their limited number of instructors?? Sorry I don't believe in such education.

    Unbelievable number of students, unsupported claims, teaching 'naval architecture' without staff naval architects, 'graduates' without degree, 'professors' with no bachelor degree - sorry to say, but this is Westlan's marketing today. Sad to see this from reputable school.
  3. cmckesson
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    One-Year NAME

    Chris: Yes, that is exactly the target market of the one-year master's in NAME here at UBC. This year I have students ranging from straight-after-the-Bachelors to one who was a retired ME now looking for a new career to one who is a practicing ME in Aerospace, looking to change in naval architecture.
  4. Qvox
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    Qvox Junior Member

    That's an impressive list. I guess results speak for themselves.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    dgerr, very impressive list. I wonder if there is an equivalent list for when alumny are no longer alumni.
    As has been previously stated, it would be great to specify what is meant by "designer".
    From what I've read, it seems that the future of Westlawn is unclear. All those companies who know the alumni should try, lend support, to Westlawn continue.
  6. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    Alumni refers to former students of a school. Once you are an alumnus or almuna you are. There is no expiration for lack of activity or contribution.
  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    This is an impressive list but still much less than 50,000 :)
    Just keep doing great job and stop this marketing based on lie and distortion.
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  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    FMS, yes, you are quite right. I made a literal translation, and I was wrong. Now the list impresses me even more. In my country (a country with a long tradition in shipbuilding) the number of NA is less than 3000. Many less than the number of designers from Westlawn. I do not know if that means anything.
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