MYCV meeting Sunday 25th May, guest speaker Gavin Lesueur

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Location: Melbourne, Australia

    Corley epoxy coated

    We are pleased to announce that Gavin Le Sueur, the renowned multihull sailor and author of Multihull Seamanship, will be talking at our next meeting, to be held at 2.00 pm on Sunday 25th May at Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron in St Kilda.

    Gavin is known throughout Australia and internationally for his knowledge and experience in multihull seamanship and safety for both cruising and racing. To maximise the value to our members and other multihull sailors of Gavin's presence in Melbourne, we are running the meeting as a seminar format, with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion. The program will run from 2-5 pm, with afternoon tea provided. There will also be one or two other short presentations by other speakers (to be advised) on sea safety and rescue.

    The seminar is open to everyone, especially cruising multihullers and those thinking of moving to a multi. The session is free.

    Further details will be put up on this site and on the Multihull Yacht Club of Victoria Facebook page (join us on Facebook if you haven't already!) closer to the time.
  2. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
    Posts: 3,781
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    Location: Melbourne, Australia

    Corley epoxy coated

    From the MYCV Commodore Charles Meredith:

    Just confirming the agenda for the Safety and Seamanship seminar at RMYS (Pier Rd, St Kilda). Start time is 2 pm this Sunday 25th, afternoon tea provided, will finish by 5. The main speaker is Gavin LeSeuer, and there will be short talks by Robert Bradley (ORCV) on safety training and myself (Charles Meredith) on the Special Regulations for multihulls. The RMYS bar will be open afterwards

    There is parking along the Esplanade, Pier Road and at the St Kilda Sea Baths, but bring plenty of coins!

    There is a Facebook event Page here:
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