my other boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by colfar2, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. colfar2
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    Gooday all

    bought a second hand van der stadt buccaneer not that i wanted another boat but wanted trailer she was standing on. Paid ZAR 6000 for boat and trailer and she has mast ,rigging five sails and all stantions and what not.
    She has a fair amount of rot but not in bad nick for boat 42 years old .Have started her restoration and am going on well . all comments would be appreciated good or bad

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  2. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    a couple more pics

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  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I sailed one of those. It brings good memories of the Caribbean. They handle and maneuver nicely.
  4. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    Read a lot of stuff on net and most say she is not a bad boat . Gonzo how long back are we talking and was it yourboat
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It was 1983 in Martinique. The boat was owned by a Portuguese sailor. I think she had been used for the Minitransat.
  6. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    little putty and paint, it will be good as new! No problem.
  7. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    One of my dreams is to go cruising in the carribean only problem I see is how to get there could be a voyage of note . Was quite amazed when I got boat and had a full set of drawings all in good nick. Was a bad section of rot on starboard cocpit side but cut all outand put new marine ply . Am going to fiberglass over Stitching to old wood. She had some damage on bow that has also been cut out and replaced. Will do both fiberglass together just waiting for nice weather. We are into spring now and the time is right

  8. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    Some Pics

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  9. UK_Rogue
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  10. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member


    uk rogue thanks for link and really nice to see your progress she is coming on nicely .how long have you been busy ? on my restoration things coming on slowly due to the fact that have two boats to complete and tend to spend more time on new one. am currently busy on underside

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  11. UK_Rogue
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    Getting her ready for this years season!

    We started last year but poor weather prevented much work being done. We managed to repair some topside rot with epoxy last year but found more damage had occurred over the winter as water was getting in from the toe rail and seeping in between the paint and plywood. We're hoping to replace part of the toe rail and trim in the next few weeks, dry out the wet wood and then paint so we can get her in the water. Will also reseat any topside fittings that need it. Its our only boat so want to be ready for sailing by end of April. Inside can wait :). Only obstacle is bending wood which I've never done before. The rest is down to time and weather. Have you progressed much since last photos?
  12. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    UK rogue

    Have been busy on underside so a little progress there but need to get done by September as our spring starts so would Like to be on the water . Will post pics soon
  13. UK_Rogue
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    UK_Rogue New Member

    good progress this week!

    Got some work done this week as weather had given us a break for a change. 1 new door now displayed proudly, as opposed to the 3 slats of wood that hovered in the companionway. Located rot on toe rail that had caused ingress of water into top side. Removed offending wood, epoxied with eposeal and filled several times then sanded down to near perfection. :) Electrics ready to receive the mast, 1 tri-light and rf cable. And GPS, radio and bilge pump connected to panel and awaiting battery. Main jobs are now bending the replacement toe rail and trim into place. Then it's getting the mast up, manually if we can. Any tips on raising masts manually?

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  14. colfar2
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    colfar2 Junior Member

    You are coming along nicely UK rogue and at least weather has been kind to you . Here in africa not so lucky have had tons of rain late in autumn that is not helping my progress .tried to step a mast without a crane with no success unfortunately rigging wires tend to get heavy the higher it goes. Try and secure 4 long ropes on mast with lots of manpower and that way you have some control . Let me know how you get on


  15. UK_Rogue
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    saw a method where someone had made an A frame with the struts long enough to reach to the port and starboard chain plates and the top to the main chain plate. The frame was then held vertical (Standing astride the mast stand), the main stay from the mast attached to the top of the frame and then the frame effectively pulled forward until it lay flat to the deck. By this time of course the mast was vertical. Looks my best option at the moment, but worried about damaging the mast stand as it has no entry point other than straight down. So the mast would only slide in when it was near vertical. I'll get a measure of the base of the mast and the holder to see how much room there is but if it looks to tight it may have to be the costly crane.
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