My first selfmade catamaran for the Wörthersee lake

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by benjamin126, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. benjamin126
    Joined: Jan 2017
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    benjamin126 New Member

    Hello. I built my first boat a few month ago. Is not finished completely but I tested it already. The build dimension were limited at 2x4m.

    What do you think about the design?
    Do you think I have a chance to make money with it?

    The video shows some build steps.


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  2. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    You are clearly an accomplished craftsman.

    It appears that you are not an accomplished boat designer. The boat is neither fish nor fowl. It is not an ideal design for a power boat and not a good design for sailing, rowing, or paddling.
  3. benjamin126
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    benjamin126 New Member

    Oh, you misunderstood the project. It should not be a power boat or paddle boat. It's a boat for lying in the sun and relax. With a max. speed of 4kn powered with an electric motor. Average power consumption is 250W with a speed of 3kn.
  4. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Looks like it could be a great fishing platform as well.

    And the aesthetics are great, simple and sweet.
  5. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    my apologies for so direct a response.

    I do however see no reason to make a nice little boat, a semi sophisticated one at that, into only a floating barge potential.. If it is only to be a floating platform, there are far more simple and economical ways to affect that aim.

    Not to say that I do not appreciate the semi complex hull sections shapes. Those are well done but not the least essential or necessary for a floating device that is to be propelled by a small electric motor of one or two kilowatts, more or less.

    I repeat that your craftsmanship is of high praise. No use to waste that skill on less than excellent design work.

    Please do not take offense at my criticisms. I am very much in favor of encouraging boat builders of any kind.
  6. benjamin126
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    benjamin126 New Member

    I´m grateful for any response. You are right, there are simpler ways to build a swimming plattform. But in Austria were I live, the most important point is the design. It has to look elegant and it must be practical. It´s a livestyle product. The people are not interested in fishing. They love to enjoy the lake and and the beautiful atmosphere on a good looking boat :)
  7. benjamin126
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    benjamin126 New Member

    My li-ion battery pack for the boat

  8. valery gaulin
    Joined: Jan 2017
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    valery gaulin Senior Member

    Good looking design, Very cool idea for a relaxing day on the lake. Good accomplishment!!!
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