Mvp portable pump enclosure

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Anthony Avery, May 20, 2022.

  1. Anthony Avery
    Joined: May 2022
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    Anthony Avery New Member

    I am trying to build a portable pump enclosure has anyone done this? Trying to keep my portable gel pumps clean and free of overspray.
  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    Probably not gonna work with a passive system, unless it is just above it. Something with a even a cheap furnace filter is going to affect airflow. You probably need a small, cheap ac enclosure fan, think computer fan..filter intake air. The filter is in front of the fan and the air coming in is grabbed by the filter. Probably need nothing on the way out because that is all outflowing air..
  3. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Are these the small portable units, Pail Riders, or the larger ones on carts?

    I've seen a plywood house built on the cart with a door or two for access to everything, or a loop of metal rod or pipe above the unit and a shower curtain hanging from it. Both do a good job of protecting the equipment.
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
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  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    One other option is a cardboard appliance box or two taped together. Wood and cardboard do potentially add a slight fire hazard if catalyst and gel coat are spilled on it though.
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  5. KD8NPB
    Joined: Mar 2018
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    KD8NPB Senior Member

    I built my Pail Rider on a metal pallet, a 4x4x4 ft box.

    it’s insulated with 1/2” foil foam (foil facing in), with a small radiant heater inside.

    during the winter, it maintains the pump and material at any temperature we set. We usually run it around 85F to compensate for cooling during spray.
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