motor runs rough at 1/4 throttle and vibration and trouble startin

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by marsh trapper, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. marsh trapper
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    marsh trapper Junior Member

    Hey guys I have a 3 cylinder beta28hp diesel inboard for my workboat at trotline crabbing speed about 1/4 throttle it vibrates horrible and it has gotten never did this before?..and when I accelerate it clears and runs smooth and when I have throttle all the way down its clear as well?

    Now today when out crabbing it ran horrible and when I tried to accelerate sailing in it bogged down and cut off ..I literally had to put put in and even that it didnt feel like it had the getyyup it use too..when I got in n tied up i cut motor off and waited an hour and tried starting.. it didnt want too at all ..all it did was crank over until I pumped throtttl lever then it sputtered and smoke and what appears to b oil came out of wet exhaust..can someone please help me..I have changed secondary fuel filter but not racor if that helps..thanks
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    When it is running rough loosen the pipe nut on each injector , one at a time,

    This will show if its one cylinder , or the entire engine that has a problem.

    If its just one cylinder pull its injector and swop it for one of the others.

    Have the injector rebuilt if required.
  3. marsh trapper
    Joined: Feb 2015
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    marsh trapper Junior Member

    got it

    Fixed it was electric fuel pump going bad
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