Most Efficient Boat Propulsion

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by tom kane, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    tom kane Senior Member

    We have the drive and now for the propeller and I would plumb for a three blade with sufficient blade area just like Hickmans early models.
  2. Irie
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    Irie Junior Member

    Looks good, What's your plan for the pivot at the prop?
  3. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Hickmans propellers

    Do you have any pictures? I seen one posted by you on BDN

  4. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member


    Very good question! I have a all new joint that i designed for this type job. It will soon be on the market. I call it the X-joint. Here is a picture of it next to a standard 3/4" 36 spline U joint.
    I like your project and data. It's a great test bed for my drive idea.


  5. Irie
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    Irie Junior Member

    That's very cool, I am definitely interested to see how your project develops. What type of power plant are you going to run on the drive?

    Tom Kane was kind enough to share some info about his smart drive with me and I am currently working on version 2 of my drive. Thanks, its been a fun little project.
  6. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

  7. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Power plant

    Tom Kane and I have been corresponding for some time now about his and my design. I seen post years ago on his design. A better surface/subsurface drive will have to improve in reverse, ect. Better joints is one the of keys to new designs IMO.

    For my power plant I will use a stock golf cart fleet motor. The HP rating is about 3.5 HP at around 3300 RPM's. The controllers are rated for 300 amps for the first 2 minutes and the 5 min. rating is 240 and the continuous rating is 210 amps. I need to find out more info on motor and controller efficiency. I have been looking at other controllers that fit in the same package that are 400 amp and 500 amp.The battery pack is a 60 amp/hr pack and there are many sizes available depending on distance per charge desired.
    In the golf cart a 60 amp/hr gets around 23 miles per charge on flat land and the 100 amp/hr gets at least 35 miles per charge flat land. Those are with the speed set at around 23 mph.

    Cost is high for the power plant. My cost per unit wholesale is
    Batteries, $1300 for 60 amp/hr pack. (They have a 2 year warranty in the current use in golf carts)
    Chargers, $289.00
    controllers and BMS, $750.00 ( Controller is patented )
    Motors, $350.00
  8. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    How many volts is battery pack?
    What is the gearing to the axle?
  9. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Lithium battery Volts?

    With the Lithium battery I use, it's a 53 resting voltage system. I call a 48 volt. I use 48 volt components like solenoids, circuit breakers, and standard key switches which all operate on these batteries. The chargers are 10 amp 48 volt that finish at 56.8 volts and work with my BMS.
    The axle gearing is 12:1 in the cart. I'm testing with a fleet of 40 cars to get my data.

  10. Irie
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    Irie Junior Member

    What controller are you using? I've been pretty happy with my alltrax. Are you going to run the drive direct or use a reduction? I'd be interested to know more about the batteries also, what does the 60 a/h weigh?

    On a separate note, how was reverse in the old sea sleds?
  11. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    The sea-sled being a fixed drive good reverse if even tried would not be impressive.
    Even going forward with those side rudders fitted would have been a challenge.

    You need a Retractable Steerable drive.
  12. Irie
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    Irie Junior Member

    It seemed like reverse would have been an issue with the props so close. I agree with the retractable steerable drive, it seems to work well.

    OCB would you tell us more about your x-joint? Are you using them for both pivot points?
  13. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member


    Yes i will use them a both ends to the reduce max compound angles in reverse.

    The X-joint will do 40 degree angles. It will also hold axial loads. One of the best gains is low vibration at high angles.



  14. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Cam drive / ECA Marine propulsion . This one is for You Tom!



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