Moonraker of Fowey

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by gonzo, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    This lugger was built in 1898 by Ferris in Looe. Her original name was Lilly. Does anyone have any photos or drawings of this boat? I am looking for any information.
  2. anthony goodson
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    Hi gonzo, it's Fowey. Not Fowley. Lovely place, hope this helps
  3. Crag Cay
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    Crag Cay Senior Member

    Give Upson & Co a call. (01728 453047) I'm sure she was refitted there about ten years ago.

    It's also worth giving the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth a call as I'm sure they took a lot of the records from the Exeter Maritime Museum (which owned Moonraker for a while) when it closed.

    The RCC is also worth a try.
  4. Tad
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  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Thank you. I may be finishing the restoration that was started some years ago. She has been in a barn for quite some time. The hull is finished but nothing else has been done. There are some interior, deck parts and rigging still left.
  6. rayman
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    rayman Senior Member

    gonzo, here some info from her voyage in the early 50's.

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  7. rayman
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    rayman Senior Member

    Gonzo, do you have any idea when and how she got to wherever you are?
    Those pics from Peter Pye's book "The sea is for sailing" pub. 1957 when they went out to British Columbia and stayed with the Smeetons of "Tzu Hang" fame.
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It passed through several hands including some maritime society. The present owner contacted me last fall, unfortunately he does not have enough money to continue the job. The previous shipwright basically built a new boat. He modified several things from the original. For example, quarter and hanging knees are welded galvanized steel. There is some left from the original modification by the Pye's. A lot of the interior, the rig and the taffrail.
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    One of my favorite boats. Do you know any source for the lines and construction plans? I doubt anyone has drawn one but you never know.
  10. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Few of those boats were built with plans. The boat is on blocks so it is possible to take her lines off.
  11. BATAAN
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    Wish I had time and money to come and record her.
  12. BATAAN
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    Gonzo, please keep us posted on this historic boat. Pictures would be wonderful.....

  13. Lee Chamberlain
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    Lee Chamberlain New Member

    Hi Is there any update on Moonraker, is she back on the water?
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