Monterey Boats

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by SAM1, Apr 9, 2003.

  1. SAM1
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    SAM1 New Member

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think they are comparable. The difference is more of personal preferences. One thing that Montery boats have, which is a plus, is that the engine is easily accesible. They make repair and mainteinance faster and cheaper.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I bought a brand new Monterey 236 a couple of years ago. It came from the factory with a bad hook in the hull and also the floor was out of level. I called the factory MANY times for repair work under the warranty but they refused to stand behind their boat. Consequently the boat has a bad list to starboard when you drive it at any speed, and the floor constantly creaks whenever you walk on it.

  4. Doug Carlson
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    Doug Carlson Senior Member

    I have no specific knowledge or opinion about the boats in question but I don't think that a post like the one above should be allowed without attribution and contact information.
  5. SAM1
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    SAM1 New Member

  6. duluthboats
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    duluthboats Senior Dreamer

    Doug wrote exactly what I was thinking when I read it. I hope the guest was being truthful, but with the mask of guest, he could be a competing salesman for all we know. I wish I could help with the question, but I know nothing about either boat.

    Gary :D
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I agree with Doug. How about some real information. For example, HIN and dealer where you bought it. Also a name behind those wild claims. Starting rumors and slandering people is easy. However, few show themselves to account for their opinion.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The gentleman asked for opinions on Monterey boats and I gave him mine based on the FACTS with my boat. If you can't stand to hear anything but good things no matter what the facts are then you're just the kind of blind buyer Monterey wants. You'd feel the same way if it was your money and your boat had serious factory defects.

    I asked a surveyor to check into why the boat listed so bad to starboard and he found the hook in the hull. He said its because the hull was not allowed to cure long enough and taken out of the mold too soon. That is easily preventable and something a decent boat builder knows better not to do.

    The floor is out of level because its made out of 3 separate pieces of plywood. No fiberglass liner like even a Bayliner has. Again something most any decent boat builder knows how to do better.

    The dealer I took the boat for service used to be a Monterey dealer. He said the owners of Monterey routinely would not stand behind serious warranty issues like this and said " if the owner doesn't like it he can sue us".

    I've done better and have been telling this story on the internet for 6 years now and have had MANY people avoid buying their boats.

    Monterey screwed themselves by manufacturing a defective product and not standing behind it. The facts speak for themselves, ignore them at your own risk.
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Get off your high horse! We have no problem with bad reports on boats or equipment. In fact, we encourage it. The problem with you, is that all the criticism is done in anonimity. Put your information as the rest of us and we will take you more seriously. Otherwise, I think of your report as slander and rumors.
  10. WayGray
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    WayGray New Member

    Verification of Information

    "Guest" has been asked to provide substantiation of his claims and, in his further posting, has avoided answering this request. In addition, he has made further unverifiable claims and admits he has been attempting to smear Monterey Boats for the past six years. Sounds like someone obsessed with an old and predetermined agenda to me; not a reasoned critique.
  11. armidillo50
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    armidillo50 New Member


    I have been in the boating world for about 10 years and I just purchased my first Cuddy cabin and it happens to be a 23'6" Montery. I will give you my opinions on it and I was looking at the Sea Ray in comparison to my boat when I was shopping. Well first I got a really good deal on the Montery and now that I have bought it there are so many things that I like about it. Now don't get me wrong there are some things that aren't that good such as the sink and the door to the cuddy but that is about it. The ride is a little rought but to be expected it is a heavy boat. But over all I am very happy with the Montery and I am happy I did not go with the Sea Ray I know that Sea Offers some great perks if you buy in to there boats but for one they are over priced I believe and I have heard that they ride even rougher. So in my opinion I would say go with the montery. I love my purchase and I can't get enough of it.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Monterey discussion

    I just bought a 1998 242. The last comment about the cabin door and sink hit home. I'm wondering what the writer found wrong though. I discovered the facuet on the sink is of the gooseneck or bar sink variety. Problem is it does not reach far enough into the sink and when you turn it on or off or have it on low volumn it falls outside the sink! This is my first big boat and perhaps I expect to much from a boat this size but the cabin door lets in water in our Florida rain. I don't think that should happen. The hatch in the forward deck is a bit on the rinky-dink side.... just plastic that breaks if you lean on it.

    Ray in Jacksonville
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My husband and I looked at all the major boat brands before we chose our boat. In the end it came down to Chaparral, Sea Ray and Monterey. We chose a Monterey 218LS Montura Bowrider. In looking at all of the above we found we the lay out of the Monterey to offered the best use of space which I wanted and for my husband the engine was easy to get to and there is a lot of storage on both sides of it. It had a lot of features that more expensive boats had like the stainless throughs on the side of the boat. Most companies have plastic ones that crack and fall apart with time. We've had this boat a year and have put over a hundred hours on it driving it up land down Lake Powell. It's been great and we've had no problems with it. Montereys are almost identical to a Chaparral. The story we were told is that 20 year ago part of Chaparral's founding members started another company that is Monterey.

    As for the person who had a bad experience I find it hard to believe any boat company would not stand behind their product when it comes to manufacturing defects. I've heard good things about all the above. Good luck and I hope you fine the boat of your dreams! Now back to my search for a bbq for my boat :) Susan
  14. 67-LS1
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    67-LS1 Senior Member

    Why is ANYONE allowed to post without registering? I participate in a few forums on other subjects and this is the only one I have ever seen that doesn't require you to register. The registration process takes all of what, 5 minutes?
    Also, I notice when you go to reply or even start a new topic, the default user is guest. This may be (may) be encouraging people to say what they want without repercussions.

  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I agree, particularly when people hide behind "guest" to slander.
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