molding question

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by danilo, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. danilo
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    danilo Junior Member

    i'm in the process of making a plug for a side mounted console.
    My question is can i use epoxy as a base coat instead of gel coat ?
    Will there be problems to release the console from the plug and will the finish be
    smooth ? Does anyone have experience with this?

  2. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    ...yes you can almost use anything to make a plug, as the plug will generally be destroyed after the mould has been made, but remember the plug will be stressed considerably as the mould layup occurs, so make it strong enough to do the job.
    Sometimes the plug is actually a real boat that is used, sometimes it is going to be a real boat after the mould has been removed and sometimes it is simply scrapped after the mould has been released.
  3. danilo
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    danilo Junior Member

    Okay,but the question remains can i use just epoxy to do the whole process from plug to mold to console or is it mandatory to use gel coat ?If I have to use gel coat i have to order it and it has to be flown in to Suriname and that would set me back a month at least.Is it possible to use gel coat thickened with glass bubbles as the base coat ?
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can use plaster of paris to make a mold. The most important thing is that the filler and fairing compounds don't come loose with the heat of the curing resin.
  5. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Yes, epoxy is fine Danilo, though often less costly materials are used, for obvious reasons. Welcome to the forum.
  6. danilo
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    danilo Junior Member

    Thanks guys i'll keep you up to date.
    The plug will be finished somewhere next week
    after that i'm gonna make the plug and see how it goes.

  7. brokensheer
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    brokensheer Senior Member

    what is the beast release agent for plaster , I am making some small glass parts?
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