modifying freeship dxf in Turbocad??

Discussion in 'Software' started by mrjo, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. mrjo
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    mrjo Junior Member

    HI I have imported dxf file of stations from Freeship into TCad but I have not been able to work out how to modify it in a controllable manner.

    Can anyone help out with the correct procedure. I have V21 platinum pro so current program, but I haven't used it before, I can draw basic new objects, to start all I want to do is put cutouts in the stations for stringers.

    Thanks in advance
  2. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

    You will probably get more help on a Turbocad user forum. I bought Tcad for Mac and it would not even create or read dxf files until an update came out.
  3. mrjo
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    mrjo Junior Member

    Freeship DXF modifying in TCad HELP still needed

    Thanks Alan,
    I have posted on TC forum but no love there yet.

    Anyone else with ideas?

    Regards Jo
  4. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    I'm not that familiar with Freeship, but if you get an option on the 'type' of DXF file for export you should try setting it to an older type ie Rel 14 or earlier. Note that up to Acad Rel 12 (Rel 12 DXF too) ellipses were not 'true# with a rho value of 0.41 which is the standard ellipse from most other decent CAD systems.

    Maybe you could also try Intellicad if it's still around? TCad is a bit too basic for my personal requirements, although I have tried it - ages ago.

  5. mrjo
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    mrjo Junior Member

    Hi Suki
    thanks for the reply, no options for type of dxf export, that isn't an issue as I have sent it to designer with ACad that could modify it no probs, The TC version I have is a full 3D capable and I wouldn't call it basic, RRP $1400.

    I need someone who uses Tcad and can give a few pointers on how to modify the dxf files, starting with the basics.

    Cheers Jo
    running v21 Plat Pro
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