Minor modification of existing design?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Murky Deep, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Murky Deep
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    So after multiple posts here, another build (Bolger Junebug) I still need a small power skiff for clamming, fishing and transporting family to various sand bars and beaches under reasonably calm conditions.

    Other than it being ugly, the 15'6" Bolger work skiff would meet all my requirements.

    What I want to do to it is modify the plumb sides, stem, and transom by a few degrees, say 5 or 7. I have made a few sketches to scale on paper, this does wonders for its appearance. I think I will just pull them in a few inches.

    Is this going to mess up anything else? I have built a few other boats, including a one off skiff I modified from an existing design.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  3. Murky Deep
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    Honestly I like the diablo quite a bit. There is no doubt it is a better all around boat particularly on rough, windy days. However, for the types of fishing and seafood collecting we typically do, round boats are not the best until larger sizes as primary stability is most important. Standing and casting is the biggest use, followed by clamming. Reaching over in a boat that is going to heel quite a bit to measure a striped bass is a disquieting experience.
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