Mid Boom Sheets

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Asleep Helmsman, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Asleep Helmsman
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    On a Cal 2-29 the boom is without a track on the bottom side. Is there an off-the-shelf bracket that can be used to hold sheet blocks to the boom?

    Thanks guys.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  3. luff tension
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    luff tension Junior Member

    There is no need for mechanical fastenings for that application, just lash them on in the right place with dyneema/dynex. You may need to add a stopper of some sort to stop the lashing sliding forwards when you are eased sheets.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That would only work if the foot of the sail is fitted with slugs. I believe they had a bolt-rope.
    philSweet likes this.
  5. luff tension
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    luff tension Junior Member

    A slit in the right place of foot tape on the sail would fix that issue.

  6. Asleep Helmsman
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    I think it would still require something mechanical to keep the loops from slipping.
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