Mercruiser 260 flame arrestor housing fitting confusing on quadrajet

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by sdowney717, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Engine around mid 1980 and has a quadrajet carb.
    The housing is large, includes flame arrester,
    There is this heavy duty bracket with a rubber tip which for now, does nothing,
    It seems like supposed to fit into this spot, but that orientating is impossible on this GM 350 engine.
    I found this bracket bolted on another bracket at the carb rear mounting bolts, but then it does nothing, sits up into empty space. The bracket it sits on holds the throttle cable and return spring.
    This is not my boat and no one knows so far anything about the bracket. I can not find any online pics of this setup.



    2 rubber vent hoses fit into this top piece and that means the thing faces straight towards the bow. Otherwise the thing would twist and the vent hoses not fit.
    Leaving the bracket on carb mount bolt facing stern and does nothing. There is no way I see to mount the bracket near the thermostat in front of carb.
  2. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Can you post pics of the engine?
  4. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Not today, this is a friends boat next to mine at the marina. It is a 28 foot Tiara with twin Mercruiser 260 V8 engines. Has Velvet drives and a top mount starter. Looks like it has the improved mercruiser exhaust manifolds. It is a Chevy GM 350 motor. has a standard marine quadrajet, which I have at home here as I rebuilt it for him. Very typical motor of the time period. Neither of us know the history of this boat, but I doubt someone cobbled together the engines with these flame arrestors.
  5. sdowney717
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  6. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    20220807_092434.jpg 20220807_092430.jpg I figured it out
    Spent time on this engine today solving a quadrajet carb that refused to stop flooding, the float was jambing against the tower, had to spread the arms wider, not it is solved. What a pain. It also has a jambing accelerator pump, it sticks in the down position. We put in a new one it still stocks, return spring is fine. I think the bore has to be sanded to not hold the rubber skirt so tight.

    The flame arrester top was facing the wrong way. Slipmate had installed it wrong as had the prior owner. The bracket lines up fine when the cover is turned 180 degrees. It is not my boat. Bracket arm mounts at rear of carb mounting bolt.
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