Maybe Massalai was right after all

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Boston, Apr 26, 2011.

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  1. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    thanks boston, it is a very frustrating system they have and secretive. the first few months she was put in a remand center or black jail as people call them. while she was there no one heard from her or was even told where she was. i apologise for getting cranky but i think this is an important topic and the first few posts were really good then some fool starts the rascist crap. just because people have views about other cultures doesn't make them rascist . its a good thread and does relate to boating being a thread about where the world economy is going . there are some boat factorys here that have recently moved all their production facilitys to china to be more competitive . good for them but what about the australian workers they laid off here.
  2. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    Injustice is injustice whoever is the perpetrator. Unfortunately in totalitarian systems or corporate oligarchies for that mater there isn't a lot you can do about it but get out and in some cases thats just not posible. I believe this kind of thing qualifies her for asylum though, at least in this country I think it would. No clue but you might want to look into it cause once she's loose for even a second she needs to run like hell.

    my two cents
    and no worries we all have our days
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    This is a world wide forum, I live Thailand and Malaysia, I experience racism every day,--against me.

    I know exactly what it is like to be a minority in a country.

    If she was married to an Australian wont the Aussie embassy put some pressure on them. What about the Chinese embassy in Sydney.

    Where is your Father now, does she have Aussie passport.

    If it were my wife I would sleep outside the Chinese embassy and get the TV down there. And anything else I could think of.

    Malaysia Government is so contactable. You can phone up and talk to some one. I called the minister of interior trade and industry and talked to the guy on the phone . I could'nt do that In UK, Sometimes racism works in your favour.
  4. cthippo
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    cthippo Senior Member

    I find myself in the rare position of agreeing with Frosty.

    This "us vs them" thinking is indeed just tribalism and identity politics. Instead of sitting around complaining and blaming the other guy, perhaps we would be better served by looking for positive ways forward. Reality is what you make it, if you focus on what's wrong in the world then you will live in a crappy world. If you focus on how it's someone else's fault, then you surround yourself with enemies. If everywhere you go smells like dog ****, check your own shoes.

    Finally, I would like to make a pitch for doing away with negative rep. It serves no useful purpose and merely serves as a means for people to stab someone in the back for saying something you don't agree with. I have made a personal pledge that I will not leave negative rep and I encourage everyone else to join me in that pledge.
  5. Dean Smith

    Dean Smith Previous Member

    My third son is adopted Chinese
    He is now a big guy, over 200lbs with his own business down here
    he came to NZ age 18 no English
    Now a t 25 he is fluent with degrees
    When I asked him why he did not wish to marry a Chinese, he said--- they remind me of my mother
    Do go get the book DRAGON and BEAR
    Thank you for your words,
    but my experience with China has been anything but calm.
    At the embassy, this totally bland unhelpful man, scared me off doing business there. hell when they lock up top execs from BHP and throw the flamin key away?
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  6. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    I don't want to get into a huge debate about the post feedback/rep system. I agree that it is imperfect and I know that not everyone likes it. I also realize it's sometimes difficult to not fixate on the exact number. But overall I believe it does more good than harm. However, the intention is to look at the overall and not fixate on every few points. At the end of the day, you can't spend points like money and, for example, as you post this you have 1245; no one else will really notice or care if you have 1225, 1235 or 1255 or 1265. So if one person finds one of your posts to be hurtful, or objectionable, it doesn't serve as "executioner". However, if 10 people click and leave feedback on your post that your post is in really bad taste, or if you were one of the very few who gets more negative than positive feedback on their posts, then it should be taken to heart.

    For what it's worth, the system is strongly weighted to the positive (a negative counts only 1/2 of a positive) and only people who have contributed to the community (counted in posts) and who themselves have a positive reputation can impact anyone at all (and you can't leave negative feedback at all if you only view and don't contribute to the forum.)

    In this case I do not believe the intent was to stab in the back. I looked up the comment in the database and the person who left it has contributed a large amount of excellent design information to the forum. I haven't seen him ever act in a malicious manner. He also did leave his specific objection to the post in question. Boston responded - hey you took my post entirely the wrong way - and clarified that his post had been misunderstood. Without the post feedback / rep system, it's possible that this would have worked out in the thread itself anyway, or they may have let it brew thinking bad things of Boston or the forum as a whole, or, posting under their own name and with their own real-world reputation to be concerned about, they may have found the post legitimately objectionable but not wanted to take the time or get into an argument to otherwise express their displeasure with it. Here it was a minor inconvenience for Boston; someone else who a good number of people respect thought a specific post was in bad taste; Boston looked at the original post and clarified that he had been misread to resolve things.

    As you say, the post feedback system is meant to give constructive feedback, and in this case I don't think it was abused. If a negative comment is left though which is not constructive, report it. If someone repeatedly abuses the system to jab someone else in the back, their use of the system will be revoked.

    OK, now back to the topic at hand, and sorry for taking this off topic.
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  7. Dean Smith

    Dean Smith Previous Member

    i agree with Frosty
    This forum , the only bone of contention, that come up over and over is the neg pts, I mean why have it/ why not points on ones contributions to the subject matter
    You can have a very good builder and or designer(which is what this thing is supposed to be abt) and that person can be wiped off, simply from dislike
    He or she may have the best of intentions, the best of gallery and yet some nonentity can , with impunity, blow him away
    We have lost so many good people because of this, they simply do not contribute now
  8. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    I don't know of any specific designer to date who has left the forum because their reputation points were negative. With the reputation spread requirement it would be extremely difficult for any "non-entity" to "blow them away" and only people who themselves have contributed posts and who have a positive reputation themselves can ever post a negative post feedback comment on another's post. Also all rep comments are recorded, so if someone did orchestrate an effort like this against another specific member, it would be looked up when reported and appropriate action taken. We have lost people due to arguments or extreme dislike of specific other members, but I believe in those unfortunate cases that would have happened with or without the rep system. A couple people were banned in the span of the last few years because too many other senior members felt that their posts were giving dangerous or bad advice and their reputation fell to a very negative number with a large number of specific negative post feedback comments on specific posts which were felt to be objectionable, malicious, or dangerous, but this is a very tiny number given the number of members. Ideally, if someone finds their posts are eliciting a greater number of negative post feedback comments with specific objections and they find their rep number growing noticeably negative rather than positive, it will serve as an early warning and they will realize that their posts are not being received as intended or appreciated by the community.
  9. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    I assume I can lay the best claim to that:D

    On a serious note. When racism is raised, people are touche and very critical. However, everyone know about South Africa and racism - or at least what they heard in the media - but usually such news was cleverly edited to make the SA Government looked like devils....

    I was born and raised in my country and lived racism firsthand. The only problem we had, was the fact we had a name for it. And the funny part of it, people all over the world poked their noses in our affairs without knowing the true facts. Also funny others would know more of your own affairs as yourself.
    Now 17 years later after the black government took over, the country is a mess, the social system in shambles, roads more potholes than roads at places and people get killed daily due to that on roads, police force is corrupt and not functioning well, hospitals a farce but bet of all, we have the highest murder and crime rate in the world....
    Just last week blacks protested about the poor services by the government and the leader, a leading member of the opposition party was shot down and killed by the police.
    Two days ago a white woman was shot dead (5 shots) by a police sergeant in front of the police station just because she accidentally bumped a police vehicle whilst parking. In my home town a person (white) who want to report a crime was brutally assaulted by a policeman inside a police station because he told a police lady to have respect addressing people.....need go on?

    Even some of my employers said they wish apartheid can come back and they be safe again and services available again.. Just last week another town had managing and service problems and when the blacks retaliate the ANC member had the audacity to say the problem is the cause of apartheid:confused:
    That is not an isolated case, often apartheid is blamed for their lack of management and solving issues - even youngster who was not even born in the apartheid era is fast to blame it for their academic failures....

    But would one expect from a government that is ruled by past terrorists and killers of innocent people. Even that ******** Mandela was a convicted terrorist. No terrorism can be consented to to try and change a government. Period. Negotiations did the trick for them.

    However, look at Africa what happened when the colonials was exiled from the countries or taken over by blacks. Poverty, no work, food, in short a mess. We now have about half of Nigeria here, same can be said about Zimbabwe and Maputo. Why, With opposition party getting stronger and government loosing lots of black voters by disease, the government is turning a blind eye and welcome them so to speak and for whom would these millions vote for?
    A numbers game again.

    Democracy or majority rule is not the best option and people get influenced by government officials before an election and those who are not so well educated, are easy to win over with empty promises. And about education - the school system went down the drain and pass figures had dropped from 40% to 30-25% to get pupils to pass nowadays and still we only get a dubious pass rate of just over 60%.....Thats progress in SA.

    OTOH, we have a big court case going now where the president of the anc youth league singing to the masses" kill the farmer, kill the boer' (boer is a white) and still he claims it is not hate speech but thousands of farmers are killed and get killed daily. My father was a farmer and he and his wife were killed by blacks and their bodies set alight....
    Welcome to South Africa people.

    Racism is a fact of life. Americans have their reserves for the Indian people, Australia more or less something similar for their indigenous abbos and need I go on? I being to the USA twice and OZ once and I experienced racism there, OZ the worse:eek: Those countries got away with it because it did not have a label for that and guess who who made the loudest noises about SA affairs in the past?
    No that they ****** up a country because of sanctions called for against SA, they are all quite and numb.

    If one look at nature, all birds flock together, animals live together but the will not interbreed, just as nature meant it to be. That is protecting the breed and culture of the specie.
    For example; we have red and yellow finches (birds) and they will fly together, feed together but do not nest in the same tree...

    My culture and my kind is precious to me and my family - we can relate to that and that results in harmony. Is it a sin to keep to your own:?: No, but tell a black with a funny language and different values he is not welcome in our sphere of family values, culture you are labeled a racist. Hypocrites.

    Note and disclaimer: this post is not meant to be racist or racist attack, simply the views of a person who spent all his life labelled as a racist in a racist society.
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  10. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    And I will pick from Wynand's new post to say.... this is exactly my point as well.

    Now that I know what it is like to be a minority (I was a minority for many years living in New York City), I am just happier with my own culture.

    Now for your bleeding heart PC types, I will emphasize, I am talking about CULTURE here.

    There are plenty of people of different races who *join* my culture, which are great people to have around. When they come in and take over my culture, I do not enjoy their company.

    Case in point: Pop and house music. It's mostly taken over by hip hop and reggeton in the states. The musical styles don't appeal to my culture. I find that listening to DJ's from Europe is the only way I can get good music these days that fits my taste and culture. This is because I'm of European descent and share my culture with those of my homelands. I do also like acts like Tribe Called Quest, Jay-Z, Pitbull, Black Eyed Peas, etc... However, when my music is completely over-run with their vocals, I find it to be annoying. When the music is separated and you can listen to whatever is suiting your mood at the time, it works out best.

    Other case in point: Go to the mall in Aventura, FL. Try to speak English to the people in there. You get nasty looks and treated poorly because you're not speaking Spanish. I don't need this. I'd rather be speaking with my own people.

    Last case in point: Litter. The more new immigrants an area has in the States, the more litter there is, period. I'll share a little story with you about a single example. I was parked one day at a Walmart while my wife went in. A new immigrant pulled up next to me. There was a trash can in front of our cars. Instead of using it, she just threw her half finished coffee on the ground. I dispensed a little street justice for the planet by pouring what was left on her hood and windshield, then sticking the cup under her windshield wiper. Somebody need to stick up for the planet. Anyway, if you are observant, you can clearly see that the cultures that are taking over the USA (yes, they are... Euro decent whites are fast becoming a minority in many places), do not have the same expectations for a clean living environment that I would have.

    Don't believe whites are the minority in many places? Have a look at the census:

    "White people are now in the minority in 46 of the nation's 366 metro areas, including New York, Washington, San Diego, Las Vegas and Memphis, said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution."

    I'm OK with this. My country is changing, but I will move out of it to be with my own kind. I am not interesting in living in a culturally diverse area, even though I have respect for many of the cultures that are part of this diversity. Obama is doing the best he can under the circumstances. Boston's people had the way of life right here before the white settlers showed up and wrecked it. I would have said "my ancestors" wrecked his culture, but it wasn't my ancestors. I'm Irish and Norwegian, so my ancestors, at the time, were not involved in America. They came here much, much later, around 1900 and my grandmother came in the 1950's.

    I think a lot of people who love all the other cultures mixing in to ours have never actually lived in and amongst them, sharing daily life with them like I did in New York City as a minority. I think it's lack of actual experience that has them so interested in these "exotic" and different cultures and wanting to integrate them into a multiculturalism.

    The bottom line is, I like my culture and do not wish to lose it to multiculturalism. This is not racist. Other races can join my culture. I enjoy visiting their cultures, but I do not want to live, full time in their cultures. I prefer my own.
  11. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Every country should protect its border and culture. Gravy is delicious. Pudding is delicious. Taken together, not so good. German polkas are great. Mariachi music is wonderful. Mexican polkas make my ears bleed.
  12. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    he is china living with her family . she does not have an aussie passport. i don't know if he has been to the embassy frosty, good idea though.
  13. Poida
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    Poida Senior Member

    America grew on immigration, the more people, the more cars they need household good etc.

    Unfortunately I think America didn't control immigration and business made too much money too fast and they have hit a saturation point.

    If a country has a good domestic market what happens overseas is not important.

    Now America seems to want to control the world to suit itself and it's not working.

    China realsies it is no good having a country full of peasants as they can't buy anything. They are now paying better wages, constructing a middle class and building their domestic market. They are not controlled by the world banks (America) they can do what they like with their currency.

    What the western countries need to do is stop ********* running their country. Return to a form of the Westminster System where the electorate rule rather that a small group of peckerheads.

    I call this form of government the majoracrats. To vote you require an educational and cultural standard and I believe they will run countries more sensibly and rational. Vote Majoracrats.
  14. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    sorry don't have time to read all the new posts but I did find this as I'm reading the morning news before I have to split for work

    interesting article on the valuing of the Yuan

  15. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Excuse me? When you start carrying on about how we should have kept everyone but anglo/white types out of the country, I don't have to turn it into a racist statement. It's already racist. and don't give me any garbage about just being PC when I point that out.
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