Maybe Massalai was right after all

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Boston, Apr 26, 2011.

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  1. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    History belongs to those who show up.
  2. troy2000
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    So you think we should have kept everyone out of the country who wasn't an anglo/white type? Seems to me those good old anglo/white types started the ball rolling, when they shelled out cold hard cash to import black types as slaves -- starting way back in 1619. I guess maybe we should have herded those all out of the country as soon as they were freed?

    What about the Indians who were here before the whites? Should we have finished killing them out, or just deported the survivors to Siberia, where their distant ancestors probably started from?

    What should we have done with all the Chinese laborers who were imported to work on the western half of the first transcontinental railroad? Shot 'em or shipped 'em home again, instead of hiring them to work in mines, restaurants and laundries?

    Sorry, Cat. That's one of the more blatantly racist posts I've seen in a while.

    Here's the truth: even with all its problems, this is a better country for most people to live in than it was fifty years ago, when I was a kid. As my dad used to say, "everyone is always talking about the good old days. But I was there, and I wasn't impressed."
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  3. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Don't turn my cultural statement into a racist statement. This bleeding heart BS is exactly why our culture is vanishing.

    You're just hopping on the PC band wagon. Wynand has it right. We are one of the few cultures (the anglo/whites) who are dumb enough to give away everything we have.

    Stop the PC BS and don't take a cultural post and turn it into a race post.

    Lastly, you're living under a rock out there in the desert if you think things haven't changed in this country. That statement is just delusional. This country has changed very dramatically even in my relatively short lifetime (as compared to your longer one).

  4. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Old men can not negotiate, they carry resentment, anger, and pointless revenge.

    Young men void of these emotions should negotiate for the future and get over the past for the good of their lives yet to be lived and their childrens.

    Move forward, not dwell in the past.

    The world is a frked up place and that fact that I often think differently from every one else comforts me.
  5. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Protect your borders so you will not be enslaved by foreigners.
  6. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Tribalism thats all it is, point the finger at the odd one like we did at school.

    I hope there is intelligent life else where because there is bugger all down here.

    Its a natural reaction to ween out the runt, It keeps the colony strong.

    But one would think that modern man could control,-- at least hide is emotions.
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  7. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    I'm not sure who bagged 15 points or what they're on about, but thinking I'm a racist is pretty low, specially if your not going to sign it. I've never complained to our moderator before about this whole points thing, but that one was over the top. Me a racist, ya that will be the day.

    anyway to the rest of you no worries I'm glad your enjoying the discussion and I'm also thrilled that its not broken down into a mosh of anger and over opinionated rants.

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  8. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I have a dream,--- a world of open borders, no religion ( hatred ) and my place of residence is at my choice of climate.

    I would say,--2300 AD,-- its nearly here, I can live where I want to now, and I do.

    The world will improve as religion continues its decline. Show me a country in a mess and Ille show you a religious country.

    Atheist countries --Sweden, Switzerland. Very low crime. I now a Swedish policeman who had little to do as there was no crime so they made him an air marshal on International flights. I love that story.

    Religious countries Saudi , Afganistan , Pakistan, Egypt , libiya, Syria, Bahrain ,Somalia, Isreal Palestine, Yemen,etc etc Not counties of calm are they?

    Englands problems increase by the day proportionately to the religious immigrants that now have a firm hold of the countries social system.

    The Royal wedding,-- todays only disruption is the Muslims who were intending a protest march, they were told by the police they could not. They say it is there right. I cant think--it just leaves a big hole in my brain. Not to mention the disrespect of thier host country who took them in and housed them.

    Should they not be at work on Friday. This attitude causes racism and its very hard not to get angry.
  9. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    Just to nip this racist thing in the but and cause it was so laughably off target. Let me introduce you folks to my adopted daughter. Shes the one on the left, Thats Alicia on the right and the Chinese girl in the middle is one of our best friends Alex. Alex might have had one to many in this picture, looking pretty hammered actually.


    Christine's a great kid and even insists on doing college on her own, she's making great grades by the way. I guess my point is that these three well adjusted smiling faces would not be hanging out with a racist. Nor could you hide racist views from your kid if your life depended on it.

    Here I am at my fattest ( I've dropped about 25lbs since this was taken, yay abs again ) with her and her boyfriend John, who she's just about beaten into being her boyfriend by the way :p. You guys have no clue what a great girl this really is. Most of my x's and I get along fine but when one of them was talking smack about me she put an end to that pretty dam quick cause she knew I'd never hit a girl no mater what. She stepped up for her old dad just fine and I couldn't be any more proud of this kid.


    I think we'd all had to many in that last picture

    great jumpin Jebus I've even got two chins, dam was I fat back then.
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Look like Bruce willis to me.
  11. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    well know that all the blubber's gone everyone tells me I look like a 6'2" version of captain Picard/Patrick Stewart, but thanks
  12. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    i can't believe you people sometimes, i posted a reply about something that is true and close to my family which is happening in china as we speak and you lot would rather rave on about calling one another names and who gave points to who. what a load of ****.
  13. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    some of us might not have read all the posts, I'll go look for what your talking about but whatever it is I hope all is working out.

  14. Boston

    Boston Previous Member


    Sounds ugly, I hope she is ok and gets out soonest. Sounds like she is an economic prisoner. It also sounds like they run the prison system over there like something out of midevil Europe. Used to be a prisoner was responsible for buying there own food and providing clean cloths and toiletries. They make prisoners over here pay for some stuff but not food or cloths.

    best wishes and sorry I missed your post.

  15. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I believe in bad prisons but not just put people away like that. We are all aware of the lack of human rights in China, but their economy will still come.

    Talking of point deductions I was here when it was started, there was an outcry. Jeff the Admin said he would let it run as he was convinced it would help bad behaviour which he was experiencing at that time. The argument was that grown men don't care about a few points knocked off as would a child at school.

    My grief with it is what has just happened- a point deduction for disagreement. If I had points deducted or I deducted for disagreement with some one I would not have time to post.

    If you scroll forum jump at the bottom of the page you can see who is on line . There are many people that dont ever post but looking and judging posts,-- thoroughly enjoying there anonymous quest for something they don't like as judge, jury and executioner.

    It is meant for bad behaviour, anger, calling names,----- not disagreement.

    Boston and I are Admins on another forum, I have never seen the point system on any other forum,--ever. maybe im wrong on that and need a point deduction for making a small mistake or maybe my punctuation is incorrect.
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